
OK so how do I talk to her without seeming creepy? Or am I just that apprehensive?

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So there's this girl, right? I like her. A lot. The only problem is I don't really talk to her all that much. (We're both 16, btw) I have a class with her, and I want an excuse to go and talk to her, but I don't want to go and say "Hi, I'm talking to you now!" If I just went up and said hi, is that weird? She's too nice to just walk away, so I'd really have no way of knowing if I seem weird to her, and if it's just me being so self-conscious, any tips to help me work up the courage to stop being an apprehensive bloak and do something? I'm just looking for a way to talk to her without seeming overly forward and creepy.

Any help is much appreciated.

P.S. I know a bunch of you will answer by saying "just do it", but that's the part that I'm having the most trouble with





  1. try this at your own risk --

    once when the class is empty and NOONE is around,mind u NOONE---DOUBLE CHECK!!.....go and take something of her pencil case or some other significant possession that may be lying around.......and dash off with it....

    make sure it has her name on it....

    a couple of days later go upto her when she's alone....and ask her if she lost her possession,whatever it is.. and tell her you found it in someplace.(IT BETTER BE A REALISTIC AND POSSIBLE PLACE)......and return it to her....

    ur excuse better be a great one and u better make sure that no one saw u taking it othrewise ur a dead duck.

    but if u manage to do these things successfully......HOO BOY u dont need anything else to start a conversation.........and once ur sure she's happy to have it back.....get talking....whenever u see her around say hi and pause for a couple of minutes and talk to her about more than a watz upp....always manage to bring up something interesting or funny....and  u gotta be confident while doing all this...

    the whole thing may seem a little risky and ridiculous but if u DO succeed..itz gonna be a CINCH and ur gonna score big time with her....i know a lot of people that have succeeded with this method.

    and the trick is...after u return her stuff....everytime u meet her u gotta be nice. at the same time u have to work on improving ur image in general so that she thinks ur a great guy.

    it's all in your hands.make it or break it.

    all the best.

  2. You can't just do it cuz you would've done it already right lol

    Don't think of her as this girl you like. Try to think of her as a friend. Go up to her and give her a compliment you can't go wrong there tell her she looks beautiful that day or her hair looks nice her clothes confident and be yourself if you over think it you won't be able to do it..when you see her without thinking just walk up to her and talk to can always slip her your number you guys can talk on the phone first it might make iteasier to talk in person..or have a friend of hers or yours get eachothers number...don't think of her as the girl you like think of her as any girl..and don't over think the process you'll be amazed at what you can do if you don't think it through try it it might work out for you. Be yourself!

  3. kk heres wht i think

    find minor excuses 2 tlk 2 her like ask for a pencil or sumfin,

    try n catch her eye bt nt in a staring way

    and when u do SMIILLLEE

    if she smiles back..very good!

    if nt then shes either nt tht interested, in a bad mood or jus really shy

    basically jus try little things like askin 4 a pencil or where shes frm n go frm there!!!

  4. "Hey, you have nice eyes."

    "Hey, your hair looks so smooth. What conditioner do you use?"

    "Hey, you remind me of someone. In fact you look just like her. I saw her on TV, blah blah blah."

    "Have you ever thought about being a model? I think you could do it. You're [...] and [...]."

    "Hey, do you know how to do this [assignment]?"

    "I think I've seen you before hanging around near [...]"

    "I think you're really pretty. Do you want to hang out with me sometime?"

    Don't be afraid to compliment her, just don't lay it on too thick. Be honest and straightforward. Even if she doesn't like you (yet), she'll be flattered by the compliments.

    Be confident, look her straight in the eyes, smile and don't stutter.


    Hey, you have nice eyes."

    "Hey, your hair looks so smooth. What conditioner do you use?"

    "Hey, you remind me of someone. In fact you look just like her. I saw her on TV, blah blah blah."

    "Have you ever thought about being a model? I think you could do it. You're [...] and [...]."

    "Hey, do you know how to do this [assignment]?"

    "I think I've seen you before hanging around near [...]"

    "I think you're really pretty. Do you want to hang out with me sometime?"

    These comments are totally random and will make u look wierd. Find an excuse to have to sit next to her, or just sit near where she sits and crack a few jokes. Eventually start talking to her about the class, then more personal stuff.

  6. i have the same problem just on the way home on the bus or walk home say hi. or maybe after class.

    good luck!


  7. I know it seems hard, but don't make it be. Just take a deep breath and remind yourself that she's just another person with insecurities. If you can get over putting her on a pedestal, you'll be able to talk to her just like you would talk to any other ordinary person.

    Good luck! =)

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