
OK so i am 12/13 need teen help?

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ok so last year i was like other 6th graders in height and now everybody passed me up!

I am


12 turning 13 in 3 months


AND my mom is short and my dad is tall

119 pounds

will i still grow?




  1. you will prob have one more growth spurt-  

  2. Don't worry - you still have an opportunity for your body to grow more.

    My sister's 15 and she's gotten a bit taller. =D

    Girls can grow up until about...18 or 19 years old.

    (( Doesn't mean they will, but they can. ))

  3. well it depends on how long you have had your period because if you already had it for like 2 years then you probably wont grow any more but if you didnt even get it yet then you have a lot more growing to go!

  4. ohh yeah. definitely.

    you dont stop growing untill you are 18-19.

    i am 14 and 5'8.the past year ive have really shot up in height.

    you might not be the tallest person when your 18-19  but you will grow :]

    hope i helped!

  5. yea your gonna grow until like 17 its ok to be short your a girl its cute at least your not a boy that short

    plz answer my ?;...

  6. try doing this

    it gives you an estimate of how tall you will be

  7. yes but not 4 long most girls ages 13-15 r at there height wen they r older

  8. Of course, you stop growing till about 15 :D

  9. Yes, you don't stop growing until around 16.

  10. You don't have to worry about your height for another few years. You'll still grow. Me however, is 18 and really short. All hope is lost for me, but it's a good excuse to buy all these really cool high heals! I just have to pout and complain a little, and dad will give me money to buy shoes... yeah I'm spoiled rotten.

    Edit: Just noticed, I'm actually shorter than you

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