
OK so what makes vampires so appealing?

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I here a lot of teenage girls talking about a book called Twilight , fair enough ,but they think the vampire is romantic . I mean come on , The Vampires of legend like Dracula , cant feel love only lust , lust for blood . So what makes them so attractive ? trust me if they were real , i would never fall for them




  1. The myth of the vampire is almost as old as culture itself, and solely for the reason that it is just about everybody's secret dream. Not to go about drinking blood, but for the instant-gratification lifestyle.

    In stories, vampires can change their shape, they're faster, stronger, have the power of blood, can live away from the world, can live above the law. Also, some psychologists have compared their feeding tendencies to an extreme sexual discharge; fangs growing in the victims presence, penetration, fluid exchange, etc.

    Vampires of literature are every bit of human nature. I think all the squealy girls who read the horrible book Twilight just fall in 'love' with the sense of power and mystery surrounding the vampires.

    Naturally, most of the stories they say in literature are just common misconceptions, or in the case of Twilight, completely full of ****.

  2. Certain personality types are drawn to the "evil" and "forbidden" on a fantasying level. Such people would rarely actually practice evil; unless the immerse themselves to the point that the fantasy replaces reality.

  3. Lust for blood, ehh?

    Well, I wouldn't mind Dracula biting on my neck. In that moment it would feel pure ecstasy

  4. They can live forever and make you live forever. C'mon if that's not s**y I duno what is. Plus, whenever they bite, they go for the neck, which is always stimulating.

  5. Hollywood & books that glorify them rather then show them for the monsters they are!

    truth is if an undead is a cannibal it is a monster & vampires perfer human blood making them cannibals!

  6. I guess it just really depends on what description or steroype of a vampire you're looking at. In the Twilight books, the vampires are all gorgeous and everything about them pulls you in. Their voice, their appearance, even their smell. However, in the legend of Dracula, the vampire is pure evil. Different people will think and feel different things, especially when it has to deal with something that no one can really be positive about.

  7. I happen to be a big Twilight fan and I think Edward is very hot.The reaon is that they are mysterious and unpredictable(in the good way).They could also open a whole new world for you because being human you never would have thought it possible that you could do all of the crazy things they do in the book.Maybe you should try reading it before you judge.

  8. Vampires are very open and fiendly....they are touchy feely....well mostly biting and clawing....they can fly...always a plus....and they don't actually exist...which makes them ethereal....and the twilight thing....they are a passing fad for simple-minded pubescents...

  9. I know this isn't a answer but I just want to make a shout out to all creatures reading this. Why do you guys hide? When will you see that your top of the food chain? Why can't you just take over our petty human world and make it yours? Kill off our kind and rule your own world with out having to hide. Or, if worse comes to worse, make a treaty with us. I just find it odd since you our definitely the top of the food chain that you have to hide.

  10. As soon as you equate him drinking your blood to s*x, then the fact that he has a never-ending voracious appetite becomes s**y ... right up until you realize that he'd be just as annoying as a guy with a never-ending voracious sexual appetite.

    Perhaps the idea of having your life sucked out of you painlessly is appealing to those who are depressed - definitely in line with the vogue goth attitude.  It would be painless blameless death.

    Dunno - mosquitos do essentially the same thing, and I swat them.

    I guess I'm just not the romantic!

  11. Young girls are gullible and vampires seem to be fashionable atm. Ridiculous if you ask me

  12. The most simplistic break-down answer to your question lies within the s*x appeal in how blood-sucking is portrayed in all vampire tales. The erotic display of teeth-on-neck is a visual stimulus for the mind which naturally sparks a feeling of sexual pleasure which sexually-active humans relate to.

    This feeling which humans feel is even more exacerbated in scenes where the victim is portrayed to first be terrified of what's happening to them, but then only to ultimately enjoy the "sucking" event due of some sort inescapable pleasurable feeling that overwhelms them.

    This is the fundamental core to ALL vampire tales involving male-to-female encounters. It plays off of many typical and not-so-typical sexual fantasies that most people can relate to in their own lives in some fashion.

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