
OK some good input ,Shallwe take it farther?

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Im probably skateing on thin ice here BUT, How do you wake up a population so blinded to whats happening in our country without lashback from the gov.?




  1. Unfortunately this is an age old question.  Years ago many a civilization did such things, they would revolt, overthrow their leaders (usually kill off the opponents) and make changes.

    But to make change today, well some would shout the old statement, if you don't vote, you don't make change.  Which is not true as evident with the 2000 elections here in the US.

    Popular vote does not count, only those who belong to the electoral college make the final decision.  And they always vote along party lines.

    So in all it's a c**p shoot, one can only hope things get better.

    To try and get everybody on the same page would be to give everybody the same book!  This would be just another form of "big government" controlling the populace.

  2. What propels civilisations and culture forward  / or backward is actions or lack of action taken by the people. In this world unfortunately not much happens without a fight - and I not just talking about a physical fight. Agitation requires commitment, energy and a point of view. What governments  - particularly bad or corrupt ones - try to do is sap people of energy and make them apathetic or worst feel helpless.

    If you believe in a cause - start a movement, there is strength in numbers and work towards affecting change.

  3. Good luck!!

  4. That is a really good question. I've been trying to figure that out for years. I've seen a lot of eyes opened, though, so keep the faith.

  5. I have been wondering the same thing.

  6. 1) Carefully

    2) Quietly

    3) Persistently

    4) In small groups

    But even so, the backlash can be pretty brutal.  I had to move away, but the next few elections were encouraging.

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