
OK soo..pointe question!!!!10 easy points!!!!?

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ok so I'm 13 and just last year the head of our dance school said that i could join ballet class becuase i have been doing jazz, contemprey and funk ever since i was really little.

i got put into pre-elementry which was really weired because i thought i would go into grade 1, but the teacher said i could handle it.

well now i am one of 3 girls in our class out of 10 girls who doesnt have pointe shoes.

i was wondering how long it took you to get onto pointe shoes if you start on pre elementry and not from grade 1.??????????





  1. a lot of people don't get on pointe until they're about 14ish. don't worry if your not on them yet there will be a valid reason and maybe you should ask your teacher. by the way it takes real hard work and a lot of strength in your feet and ankles she might not be putting you on because your body isn't ready yet.

    You really should ask her

  2. Pre elementry is a senior grade in ballet syllabuses! But i'm sure if you have been well trained in other styles, you can handle it. However, if you ever wanted to take this exam, you would need to go an do the grade 5 exam (i believe) before you can do pre elementry. Well, at least in my syllabus, you need to pass grade 5 before doing a pre el exam. Depends what syllabus you do, though.

    Pre elementry is the first grade where pointe is required in an exam, although many girls start earlier to work up for the exam. So the girls in your class will be doing the flat work and pointe work for pre elementry.

    There is nothing wrong with not being en pointe. As a dancer, you should know that you cant get pointe shoes straight away. But because of your previous experience, and because your teacher put you into such a high level (she would see talent in you) I think you will have maybe just a years wait before pointe shoes.

    Usually i would say a minimum of 2 years training, but because of your experience this time could be drastically reduced.

    If i were you, i would talk to my teacher about when you will be ready,a and what you can do to get stronger for pointe.

  3. omg exact same thing happened to me.

    i started pre el and was one of the only not on pointe shoes :(

    i got my pointes about 3 months after everyone else though :)

    dont worry, persist. it's worth it.

    try hard in class, practice at home and show the teacher you really want it.

  4. Wow you must be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just ask your teacher.Maybe your teacher don't think you are ready for the pointe shoes yet.Or you haven't practise enough...Sorry I don't help you a lot............

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