
OK this is a little weird. Talking to people in my dreams?

by  |  earlier

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More honestly, talking to the dead in my dreams.

I take a piece of paper and on it I right "I would like to speak with you tonight". This is mostly for the earthbound spirits that might be in my house. Then I put the note on the kitchen table and go to sleep.

Well last nbight I spent the whole night talking to my best childhood friend and as far as I know, he isnt dead.

Any idea what that was all about?




  1. sometimes if people have the ability they can remote travel and you can see them or even hear them, and as to talking to your people that are dead in your sleep.....listen to what they are saying cause they might try to lead you down a path that you will not be following their footsteps

  2. Why would you isolate this from everything else bizzare that happens in dreamworld. I am sure you do not wonder if you can really fly when you dream it, or if monsters are really after you when a nightmare comes.

    It sounds more like you are wanting to have special powers and who doesnt. I would just enjoy watching Medium and ghost whisperer and leave it at that.

  3. If the friend isnt dead then call them and see if they dreamed they were talking to you.It might just mean they as in childhood they may need you again in their life. Its a matter of what you beleive. I think passed on spitits do visit in dreams because in this way you can visit and you wont run screaming through the house A GHOST!! A GHOST!! They dont always have a message to deliver during the visit , sometimes, but sometimes its just cause you miss them and/or they miss you.

  4. Maybe because you set your mind to it, you performed an OBE while asleep, I think they call that Astral Projection.  

    This has happened to my father when he was sleeping, he said he had a dream he visited his aunt in the hospital and brought her some flowers - While he was still asleep, the phone rang, it was his aunt, she phoned to say 'thanks for the flowers', my mother said my father never left the bedroom.

  5. ok,  when you go to sleep your brain doesn't. It is active 24/7 .  When you sleep, your brain is capable of making up things using past memories.

  6. You could be making up what hes saying in your own mind because you know him so well.  Or you could be connected with his soul in a way that allows you to talk during your dreams.  You could also need medical help but I highly doubt anyone actualy needs medical help now.

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