
OK this is question to really think about...?

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Do you think all or nearly all the problems in the world can be traced back to the problem of overpopulation in the world today. Like really think back, and back, and back again...




  1. You can say that. but it really isnt. its more of problem of how we dealt with overpopulation.

    The food shortage around the world, definitely because of overpopulation. that ones a given.

    War, pollution, political tensions, gang violence, and Illegal Immigration. all problems that are tied to human nature. our unwillingness to make due with what we have or where we are.

    Wars are preventable, even though there is such tension around the world.

    Pollution. i'm not even gonna get into, because we were idiots to let that happen.

    Gang Violence. stupid, because people just need to learn to live with eachother.

    Illegal Immigration.

    Now this one, was preventable. but i dont think it is anymore. with overpopulation, it is becoming near impossible. but in the end, my near family being illegal immigrants, i have no problems with this, in fact i wish they would give amnesty to all immigrants.

    argument for that, is that the government doesn't give as much worry to immigrants coming from the North (Canada) the West (Japan, China, The Russian Federation, India etc) and the East, (Europe, Africa. even though i think now they're better off staying in their country.) The government seems to think they're less of a threat than Mexican immigrants. but thats another argument for another day.

    in the end. i dont think overpopulation has a direct factor on the problems in the world today.

    has it affected the problems of today and made them worse?

    no argument there.

  2. So what you are saying is that all the problems in the world can be traced to mankind.

  3. I think that overpopulation is one of many problems which has been generated by the incredible success of human beings as a species.  And of course, overpopulation has led to its own set of problems.  However, there are also problems which appear to be unrelated to population size.  Wars, for example, are not fought solely on the basis of limited resources.  However, the capacity for war is one of the characteristics that has allowed humans to dominate the world.  Selfishness and self-preservation are also ingrained in the human psyche - these qualities helped early humans survive and are in evidence regardless of population issues.  It is because of the genetics of survival that there is overpopulation.  And sadly, at this point, the sheer mass of humanity is, indeed, overwhelming the planet.  So while it may be our demise, I'm not sure it is the core problem.

  4. Over population & under population are both problems by itself and it is common that problem grows problem unless the problem is solved intime.

    Many countries in the 60s to 80s had fast growing population and need to control with birth control rules & regulations.  Many countries over controlled it or lack of proper monitoring of the progress and effectiveness, ending now in shortage of babies, a problem and it comes up with another problem to encourage mothers to have more babies not one or two but more.   Who is to finance the extra babies in growth, another problem.   So there are many problems, where come from? You Answer.

  5. no alot of them are traced back to the laws and the ignorance of others

  6. Dear friend,

    Most of the problems are created due to the rapid growth of population. Some Governments having foresight, can check it by framing some sets of rules & laws for public to follow e.g. China. India had also thought of taking such steps in the times of Mrs. India Gandhi(the then Prime Minister) when her son had introduced family planning operations for those who had two children or more than two. But this resulted in decay of Government. If we want to over come some of the prevelant problems, we can impart s*x education to the people, who could observe the necessary checks by themselves and sort out their own  problems as well as the nation as a whole.

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