Question: heal over the pain for Pens Fans we shall poll the Hockey World...?

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Hockey Fans.....Do you think that Hossa should be tared and feathered and run back to Europe for signing with the Wings??

Pens fans need not answer.




  1. I'm just glad he isn't with us because he is going to regret it. And those comments he made about "oh i want to go with a more experienced team and a team that is going to win the cup" like that is so rude!! Just cause they won this past year doesn't mean they will win next year and it actually is not likely to repeat.

  2. lol, dont worry. im not a pens fan. um, yeah.... i heard he dissed the pens... i dont think thats necessary though. he's gunna get DRILLED wen the wings face the pens again. lol.

  3. I agree with puzzled.  It happens all the time, and it's not like Hossa was a Pen for any more than 4 months.  He signs with the Wings, most likely (of course I am biased) wins the Cup, and then his value in the market skyrockets.  Or, he could sign another contract with the Wings given their fairly recent shift towards a European system.  I don't think anybody has the right to be pissed at Hossa for leaving, just be pissed that the Pens didn't win the cup.  Mathieu Schneider and Todd Bertuzzi (never liked that ****** anyway) left the Wings right after the Ducks beat us in the conference finals and won the cup, of course they didn't even make it past the first round this season.  In Hossa's case, I think he made a good decision and at this point in his career he doesn't really need to be tied down by delusions of loyalty when he was in a new city for 4 months.  Perfectly acceptable move in my opinion, of course his move also benefits my team.

  4. Man this is Great, You have a guy Quoting Kevin {brainless} Lowe on your Question. Listen to what Burke has to say about Lowe. Hossa has played for many teams ,and a possible chance of playing on a Stanley cup team and getting big money sounds good to me.

  5. It's his choice regardless, everyone knew at the deadline that he wasn't going to stay more than just this season/playoffs, but he kind of led the media to believe that he might want to stay in Pittsburgh and he enjoyed his time here so much, it's just a huge downer. He wants to win the Cup, but now he's just going to ride the Wings there, instead of step up and be "the man" for the Pens and help us get there. If he would've signed a long-term deal with us, he could've won multiple Cups. But whatever....see ya next season Hoss.

  6. Oh well, Hossa wasn't even a Penguin for that long for me to care, ya know?

  7. I could careless about Hossa, we knew he was leaving.

    He will regret this!

  8. Do you think Hossa (and his agent) are good businessmen?...Consider: He signs with the Pens for an extended contract at 7 or 7.5 million dollars a year, and maybe (or maybe not) wins the cup.....OR, he signs with Detroit for 1 year, puts himself in probably the best position to win the cup, has a big year, and thereby hopes to, when next years' free agency period arrives, receive offers of upwards of 10 million or more a year. It's a big gamble, of course, but it's not that far-fetched of a scenario. Why else would he choose not to sign with the Pens or Oilers?

    As a Pens' fan, I wish him is indeed a business after all. But wouldn't it be interesting if next year's Cup finals are a repeat of this years', with Pgh winning instead? Should be an entertaining season to come.

  9. Kevin Lowe said it best............."Hopefully the Oilers will win the cup before Hossa"

  10. Pens fan here.

    I think Hossa made the right move. Yeah we offered him about the same amount of money and a multi year deal, but come on. The red wings are the defending champs, and they arent losing anyone major. He says he wants a cup, and that being so, the detroit red wings are the best pre season bet to fufill that.

    Please don't throw all Pens fans under the bus because of a few people's extreme bias and lack of hockey knowledge.

  11. Beerslayer - you are jumpy right now - better take two Molson's, peruse, and dream about how great the Sens will be this year...Don't worry about the Penguins - they had their chance last year and it's all downhill now for them...

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