
OK!Here is to all the Jonas fans!What do you really think about us haters?

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Come on. Take your best shot. I want to know exactly what you think of us.




  1. i don't mind that you guys are "Jonas" everyone is entitled to their own opinion some people will like them others will hate them, but i don't get why the anti-Jonas people waste so much time and effort into something that they hate it's just so pathetic to me and i don't get it. Instead of going around saying how much you hate the Jonas Brothers you should go look for something that you actually enjoy doing, which by the way doesn't include saying how much you just hate the Jonas Brothers that just goes to show you have no life

  2. .

  3. This should be good.

    *sits down*

    *gets popcorn*

    *yells at Joker's Daughter"Get your filthy hands off my popcorn!  But here, have a red vine!"*

    *gets choked by Joker's daughter*


    *comed back to life*

    I was Just pretending!  Ha!  

    *cuts Joker's daughter with a knife that I somehow managed to sneak into the theater even though it's six inches long*

    I win!

    *Joker's daughter comes back to life after being stabbed in the neck*


    *Joker's daughter proposes a truce*

    Okay.  But I need some new popcorn.  This one's kinda bloody.

    May the games begin!

  4. I honestly think that if you hate the Jonas Brothers so much, STOP talking about them, answering questions about them. etc. Not trying to be mean, but get a life. The Jonas Brothers/ Jonas Brothers fans never did anything to you. We don't go around bashing on the bands you like. You can have your opinion, but keep it to yourself. Why don't you get a new hobby, like collecting stamps.


  5. U just have UR opinions. I have no problem with that. Just like we like the Jonas brothers, I don't care if U don't like them. That's your opinion. Mine is that I love them.

  6. i dont really care about the haters that's their prerogative.  

  7. Heyy {yo I'm pro-jonas} =] :

    If they are considered "emo" we might as well give up the fight now.

    Flyleaf, Paramore, Three Days Grace, and bands like that, are "emo". The Jonas Brothers are posers, and not "emo" at all!!

    Also I've been annoyed with Rolling Stone magazine lately, even before the Jonas Brothers were on the cover, because they have lost all real rock and roll credibility, and are obviously just catering to whatever fad is in right now. Demonstrated of course by the Fall Out Boy cover.

    And yes, I have listened to the music, and read they lyrics, and let me tell you, this right here::

    This Christmas time

    There's just one thing I want

    It tops them all

    It's better than eggnog

    it's not good writing.

    I mean come on, better than eggnog??



    And I have had fans attack me for liking Nirvana, or Panic! At The Disco and I've actually had a girl fight me because I didn't like Jonas Brothers.

    You seem like an ok person, but most of the fan girls are crazy psycho n***s.

  8. I think that you are as entitled to your opinion to be a hater just as much as I am to be lover. Think about how boring it would be if everyone liked exaclty the same thing. There would be no diversity. You have the right to speak against them as I do to defend them. I understand how the people on here who are completely obsessed can get on your nerves becaue, trust me, they get on mine too. This is what I think. Have a nice day : )

  9. It depends; I mean there are many different types.

    The b*tches: These are the ones who are sick minded who wish they would die.

    The pathetic ones: People like YOU who actually bother to ask questions like this. I mean if you don't care about them why bother to use 5 of your points on them. You just repeat frequently asked questions. Then you have the nerve to say: 'when will the JB questions stop!!!'     When YOU'RE asking one!!

    The ones that don't really bother me: They just leave them alone and don't write mean sh*t about them.

  10. I'm not a big Fan of the Jonas Brothers, and i understand why so many people like them and why the have so many haters.  You should at least try to listen to other songs that don't apper on the radio or disney channel, maybe you find out that you like some of them.  I think you should stop all that critisism and let the fans be fans, but also show them the real good music that is out there. Learn to apriciate their music, i'm nont asking you to like them, just apriciate them.  

    But i have to addmit that it's really funny the way some haters talk about the Jonas Brothers.

  11. *Sits next to Somebody Hates Me*

    Can I have some of that popcorn?

    *Takes a handful*

    Thanks, love. I'll need all the popcorn I can get! Who knows how long this will last ...

    *Get's slapped by Somebody Hates Me*

    You know, you remind me of my father ...

    *Slowly chokes her with a cable cord*


    *Somebody Hates Me comes back to life and stabs with force*


    *Rips knife out of neck*

    Let's just call this a truce 'cause I know I'll never die and you know that you'll never die, and I really wanted that popcorn, so truce?

  12. Well I don't mind you I just hate the ones that write stuff like i want to shove tanks of sugar down nick's throat. The rest of you have ur own opinion and that's fine.  

  13. I think that they're under the impression that we have bad taste in music or something.  Some of them (not all of them, just some) think the Beatles and the Who aren't good because they're "old".

  14. I'm one of those people who dislike the Jonas Brothers, but I don't go around announcing it..

  15. lmao who cares jonas brothers are absoloutely awful

  16. I'm NOT a fan, but I'll tell you what I think of the haters. My opinion doesn't apply to all just most.

    You're too thick to realize your wasting your time on something you hate, when you can be focusing your energy on what you care about and enjoy.  

    The stuff you say can be extremely childish, hurtful and out of line.

    You're just as obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, again too thick to realize that.

    When asked to explain why you hate them your usual responses are "because they're ugly", "they suck" or "they're g*y". That's not an explanation.

    You claim the fans ask the same stupid questions, when you do the same.

    You get pissed off if someone doesn't like the same band as you, yet it's OK for you to bash a band other people like. Hypocrites.  

  17. im not going to say, " i tink u ppl need 2 get a lyfee becuzz u r just JelOuZzZ!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!"

    because i hate those fans too(:

    && i think one of the reasons why jonas haters hate the jonas brothers is because of their little crazyy fans who ask 1234567890 questions a day about themm.

    but honestly, it doesnt do much when the haters just say rude things like "the jonas brothers have no talent and are gayy" in response because it pisses the fans off. thats your opinion, but certainly not ours.

    if some of their fans want to be immature then just ignore them, seriously, you dont have to add fuel to the fire. ahaha, wow, that was gayy.


  18. hahaha, all they're going to say is we have no life and we're jealous and how we need to keep OUR opinions to ourselves.


  19. Well I don't know you.. so I can't say. I don't judge people on if they like the Jonas Brothers or not. That's pathetic. If you like them, good for you. If you don't, good for you. Who the **** cares? Judging someone on if they like the Jonas Brothers is just stupid.

  20. You guys are the most annoying people ever:

    You tell us to listen to other "good bands" and not the Jonas Brothers. That's so annoying. Who are you to tell us to listen to? We like the music we like. And that's not going to change. If you don't like them that's fine. But we do. And by saying they're g*y and they suck that upsets us. Not that any haters care.

    You sterotype us. I have correct grammar. ii D0N'T TyP3 LyK3 DiiS. Neither do many other fans. And you also say we're all 10 year old. And if any fan is older that's pathetic. How? I'm 14 almost 15 and I love the Jonas Brothers. The Jonas Brothers are 16, 19, and 21. So the fan base should be teenagers.

    You guys say the Jonas Brothers are g*y and are incestuous. Why? Do you actually believe they are? Or are you trying to be funny? Well it's not funny! They are not g*y nor do sleep with each other.

    You ALWAYS answer questions that have to do with Jonas Brothers. You waste time on something you hate. I don't get that. And then you ask questions about them and waste 5 points! And you know you're wasting them! So don't say you're not. When we ask JB questions we actually wanna find out something. When you ask it you wanna be funny.








  23. I love the Jonas Brothers, but my friends hate them! That's ok with me, everyone is entitle to their own opinions! Sorry if I didn't give you the answer you were looking for! :)

  24. Well, I just wish you guys would stop saying all of this mean stuff about them. Have you ever even listened to the lyrics of their songs? If you have, and still hate them, then I guess you don't like songs that don't talk about f*cking girls. Just because they don't sing about that stuff doesn't make them g*y. And they are not g*y just because they wear skinny jeans. So I guess you would call all of the emo bands that wear skinny jeans AND makeup g*y too. Do you even get how immature you're being? Us fans don't go into all of your questions about your favorite bands and say "So-in-so sucks!" or all of that c**p. What do you guys do in your spare time? Do you go around Wal-Mart kicking little girls who are wearing a Jonas Brothers shirt? They love their fans and they would do anything for them. I do admit that it does get annoying sometimes to hear people say "OMG I am going to marry Nick! He is sooo hot!" They kinda annoy me too but be nice and just ignore them instead of saying the Jonas Brothers suck. And if they sucked so bad, how did their album get 4 stars? If they sucked so bad how did they score the cover of Rolling Stone? It is okay if you do not like their music but they do not suck. They have beautiful voices and they are very handsome, funny, sweet, and respectful. Let me give you a little advice and go to Africa and help starving children instead of hate on amazing boys you don't even know. Good-bye person with no life =]

  25. I think you are all entitled to your own opinion!

  26. I don't really have anything against you people because i get that you love messing with the pro-jonas! haha and that you anti-jonas people just don't like their music and think they are overrated! am i right? or what?

    Everybody has their opinions it's just some 9-12 year olds (lying about their age) don't respect it and they go ask questions that have been asked before and that just do it for the FREAK of it to mess with you people! and those are the ones that actually annoy me! because they don't even know what they are talking about!

    i like the jonas brothers but i am not one of those annoying fans! =)

  27. if you dont like the jonas brothers u are just weird and then u would have no taste i music and no taste in guys

    if u r a guy i can understand why u hate them

  28. Honestly, you guys make me cry of laughter.

    Seriously now though,

    you guys are entitled to your own opinion.

    So, I'm just like 'whatever'.

    But I do agree with you guys,

    about how annoying the fans are...

    ironic, I'm a fan.

  29. I dont blame you..... I must admit I know half of all the haters only hate them because were always going "Oh there so hot" or "Omg he's the cuter one" If I didnt like them so much I would hate us too. But I think people don't really hate them but they hate everyone that only brags about them.. I mean you can like them but you dont have to be obsessed with them!

  30. i hate that haters go overboard and say 'nick should DIE from diabetes.','their fans should jump off a cliff.','id rather get shot then listen to their music.'

    i mean,WTF?

    you'd wish DEATH on people you never even met??


    i would respect your opinion if you say 'okay, i don't like them' if you were ASKED.

    but really, some haters blame fans for being to obsessed when haters go make hate sites on youtube, myspace,etc....HELLO, look at your page, is it ALL ABOUT HATING THE JONAS BROTHERS??

    well, thats OBSESSING RIGHT THERE.

    and really, haters AND fans can be annoying.

    i mean really, USE THE SEARCH BUTTON at least?

    Google it...

    or search on yahoo.

    you'll find the same answers.

    and another thing, some haters say their fan base is what, 8-15 year olds??

    I've been to concerts and at all of them, their was MOSTLY teens, not 7 year olds like some singers[ie,miley...]

    and majority of their fans  are teens, not pre-teens.

  31. bahahah, im not a fan nor a really strong hater, but you guys are just plain amazing (: and i agree with most of you anti-jonases.

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