
OKies I want to be a Pilot ?? I knwo that you need ...?

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vision CORRECTABLE to 20/20, you dont need 20/20 to start with, but are there any other things or qualifications that you need ????????????????




  1. Class 1 Medical.

    ether be a US Citizen or have an F-1 Visa Status (schools help you in getting that)

    Thats about all the major requirements that hold most of the poeple back.

  2. Check out this FREE ebook from the FAA - It will answer all of your questions.

    The requirements for being issued a private pilot license are governed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

    To get a private pilot’s license, you must

    be at least 17 years

    have a current FAA third-class medical certificate

    log at least 40 hours of flight

    have at least 20 hours of flight with an instructor

    have at least 10 hours of solo flight

    pass the FAA Private Pilot Airmen Knowledge written test

    pass a FAA Private Pilot flight exam

    Details of these requirements are later in this document. Can't wait!

    Although the minimum required flight time is 40 hours, the national average is approximately 65 hours and most additional time is due to instruction.

    The amount of flight time necessary to achieve your license is, in part, a function of how often you fly. Students who fly twice a week are likely to earn their license with fewer logged hours than those flying only two or three times a month.

    Keeping Your License Current

    Remember, a private pilot license is really only a license to learn, and to maintain and improve flight proficiency. You should be prepared to fly at least 50 hours every year to maintain your skills.

    The legal requirements for flight reviews and recent flight experience are governed by FAA FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations) Sec. 61.56 and Sec 61.57.

    In general, in order to keep your license current, so that you can operated an airplane as “pilot in command,” the FAA requires that you complete a Biennial Flight Review (BFR) with a certified flight instructor every two years. This review requires a minimum of 1 hour of ground instruction and 1 hour of flight instruction to review flight maneuvers and emergency procedures.

    In order to carry passengers, you must also have completed at least three takeoffs and three landings as the sole manipulator of the flight controls in an aircraft of the same category and class within the preceding 90 days. To fly at night (one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise), you must have completed, within the preceding 90 days, at least three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop at night in the category and class of aircraft to be used.

    How Can I Prepare for the Written Exam?

    There are many courseware packages available that give you the information that the FAA Private Pilot Exam covers. The following are a list of useful government manuals. Several of these manuals can be accessed on the Landings home page

    .FARs Federal Aviation Regulations

    AIM (Airman's Information Manual)

    U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Aviation Weather

    U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Aviation Weather Services

    U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Flight Training Handbook (AC-61-21)

    There is also information available about the Airmen Knowledge Test Information at this site which contains links to test question documents.

    Where Can I Go to Learn to Fly?

    Take a trip to your local airport and visit the businesses on the airfield. If it isn’t obvious where the flight schools are, local business, the Airport Manager, and the “guy at the gas pump” often know who gives lessons locally. You can often find flight school listings in the phone book.

    When you find a flight school, spend the time to learn about their policies, the cost to join the club, monthly and yearly dues, what type of planes they have, how the planes are maintained, what their insurance coverage is, and who the flight instructors are.

    Be sure to interview the flight instructor that you are thinking about taking instruction from. This is a person that you will be spending at least 20 hours in a plane with and a lot of time at a desk with, so you should feel comfortable with the instructor. The right instructor-student combination can make learning to fly very pleasant.

    OK, So What Are the Detailed Requirements for a Private Pilot License?

    Well, here they are. The links in this section are to a very helpful Internet site.

    Requirements regulating the licensing of private pilots are established by the Federal Aviation Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation and set forth in Federal Aviation Regulation, Part 61.

    Sec. 61.109 Airplane Rating: Aeronautical Experience

    An applicant for a private pilot certificate with an airplane rating must have had at least a total of 40 hours of flight instruction and solo time which must include the following:

    (a) Twenty hours of flight instruction from an authorized flight instructor, including at least--

    Three hours of cross country;

    Three hours of instrument flight training;

    Three hours at night, including 10 takeoffs and landings for applicants seeking night flying privileges; and

    Three hours in airplanes in preparation for the private pilot flight test within 60 days prior to that test.

    An applicant who does not meet the night flying requirement in paragraph (a)(2) of this section is issued a private pilot certificate bearing the limitation "Night flying prohibited." This limitation may be removed if the holder of the certificate shows that he has met the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

    (b) Ten hours of solo flight time, including at least:

    Five hours of cross-country flights, each flight with a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original departure point. One flight must be of at least 150 nautical miles with landings at a minimum of three points, one of which is at least 50 nautical miles from the original departure point.

    Three solo takeoffs and landings to a full stop at an airport with an operating control tower.

    Sec 61.103 Eligibility requirements: General.

    To be eligible for a private pilot certificate, a person must--

    Be at least 17 years of age, except that a private pilot certificate with a free balloon or a glider rating only may be issued to a qualified applicant who is at least 16 years of age;

    Be able to read, speak, and understand the English language, or have such operating limitations placed on his pilot certificate as are necessary for the safe operation of aircraft, to be removed when he shows that he can read, speak, and understand the English language;

    Hold at least a current third-class medical certificate issued under Part 67 of this chapter, or, in the case of a glider or free balloon rating, certify that he has no known medical defect that makes him unable to pilot a glider or free balloon, as appropriate;

    Pass a written test on the subject areas on which instruction or home study is required by Sec. 61.105;

    Pass an oral and flight test on procedures and maneuvers selected by an FAA inspector or examiner to determine the applicant's competency in the flight operations on which instruction is required by the flight proficiency provisions of Sec. 61.107; and

    Comply with the sections of this part that apply to the rating he seeks.

    Sec 61.105 Aeronautical Knowledge (Airplanes and rotorcraft Sec 61.105(a) only)

    An applicant for a private pilot certificate must have logged ground instruction from an authorized instructor, or must present evidence showing that he has satisfactorily completed a course of instruction or home study in at least the following areas of aeronautical knowledge appropriate to the category of aircraft for which a rating is sought.

    Airplanes and rotorcraft.

    The accident reporting requirements of the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Regulations applicable to private pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations for airplanes or rotorcraft, as appropriate, the use of the "Airman's Information Manual," and FAA advisory circulars;

    VFR navigation using pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio aids;

    The recognition of critical weather situations from the ground and in flight, the procurement and use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts;

    The safe and efficient operation of airplanes or rotorcraft, as appropriate, including high-density airport operations, collision avoidance precautions, and radio communication procedures;

    Basic aerodynamics and the principles of flight which apply to airplanes or rotorcraft, as appropriate; and

    Stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques for airplanes.

    Sec 61.107 Flight Proficiency (Airplane Sec 61.107(a) only)

    The applicant for a private pilot certificate must have logged instruction from an authorized flight instructor in at least the following pilot operations. In addition, his logbook must contain an endorsement by an authorized flight instructor who has found him competent to perform each of those operations safely as a private pilot.

    In Airplanes.

    Preflight operations, including weight and balance determination, line inspection, and airplane servicing;

    Airport and traffic pattern operations, including operations at controlled airports, radio communications, and collision avoidance precautions;

    Flight maneuvering by reference to ground objects;

    Flight at slow airspeeds with realistic distractions, and the recognition of and recovery from stalls entered from straight flight and from turns;

    Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings;

    Control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to instruments, including descents and climbs using radio aids or radar directives;

    Cross-country flying, using pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio aids;

    Maximum performance takeoffs and landings;

    Night flying, including takeoffs, landings, and VFR navigation; and

    Emergency operations, including simulated aircraft and equipment malfunctions.

  3. You need a Transport Canada Category 1 Medical Certificate. It isn't hard to pass the exam. You just need to be an average healthy person.

    As for vision, correctible vision to a 20/20 means contact lenses or glasses and you need to carry an extra pair every time you fly.

    Other than that there is nothing else you need to get a license if you train at your local flight school and get a commercial license.

    However, if you want to train at a college/university and get a diploma/degree with your license then you may need some academic requirements and these usually depend on the college and aren't too high.

    If you want to be an airline pilot, most airlines require a degree so its not a bad idea to get one, even though it doesn't have much relevance to flying.

    Flight school:


  4. Lots of money.

  5. 5 GCSE with grade C-A

    two A-levels prefebly in Maths or Science

    a fATPL-(frozen Airliner Transport Pilots License) = 60k

    a Private Pilots Liscence

    and many flying hours

    500 to be precise

    enything else?

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