
OKoK i need help...?

by  |  earlier

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ok anything that is realated to sport competition i will get so tense up that im shivering a little so i have this 3rd boxing match im quite good at boxing i won a few sparring session.but everytime i fight against like competition o waddever,i will get so nervous that in the end i ended up LOSING.d**n so im trying to find a way how to NOT get so tense up and there a way to treat it?




  1. do a lot of stretches. not only does it loosen you up physically but it also clears your mind. good luck

  2. It you can't cure it, you'll have to quit or get yourself hurt.  Put it in your mind that you  have to focus and calm down or otherwise get hurt.

  3. My suggestion would be to keep having matches.  The more matches you have, the less nervous you will be.  Especially if you start winning matches.  But nervousness gets less by doing something over and over and over again, so keep having matches and don't let this stop you!  Someday you will look back at this and remember how nervous you were as a beginner.

  4. pretend the fight is a sparring session
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