
OLD RCA TV with no audio or video hookups. Can I put audio and video hookups in it?

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Old RCA tv with no audio/video hookups; (red, yellow, and white) Can I put the audio/video thing-a-ma-jigs onto the tv? How and possibly a website w/ a tutorial.




  1. You can go to Radio Shack, or a similar store, and purchase an RF Modular.

  2. Yes, hooked up to the antenna. There is a little adapter designed just for that. Go to Radio Shack and ask.

  3. You need an "RF Modulator".  The box will come with instructions. It's very simple. You can hook up a dvd or any video console to the device, then it turns it into a cable connection you can attach to your tv.  I added a link to one sold by amazon.

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