
OLTL does any body else think?

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That Todd will have the doctor switch the babies at birth i would hate to think they will say Jessica baby died and let it be adopted by marcie and Todd would take Stars baby what do you think?




  1. Anything is possible with Todd, he lives in his own world, by his own rules, no matter what the outcome.  He's like a psychopath.

    It is not above him one bit to have those babies switched, and then he can use the  "baby"  card on  Tess/Jess anytime he wants with a paternity test.

    Please just don't let one of the babies die,,,  that would be so sad.

  2. Man I really wish they could do a story line where none of the babies has to die.    

  3. yes there has been rumors flying all over about that, i mean he would do anything to keep his family together, but that's cold though Rightt even for him, i mean what else can it be we already know that he ask her to inform him of everything that happens even birth so what's left

  4. I think that he might switch the babies if Tess is still in control out of spite that he can't stand Tess, but poor Starr if her baby dies, it would devastate her even though she wouldn't decide to keep it anyway

  5. Yupp i think it will happen! That will suck!  Starr will end up feeling guilty for giving the baby to marcie, then there will be a whole hate story line going for them!  Todd just needs to stay out of it.  I mean i love Todd, but if he's going to do that to Starr then im going to hate him.

  6. There have been a lot of rumors that Jessica's baby will die and Todd will give her Starr's baby. However, I think instead of killing ANOTHER one of Jessica's babies Todd can just blackmail the doctor into convincing Jessica she is having twins. Then she can raise her and Starr's baby. As far as I have seen Jessica has not had a sonogram so it could be done. Then they can just tell her from the stress that she carried small.

  7. The thought of it is terrible.

    Just hearing that either Jess or Starr will have to lose a child. =[

    I really Todd doesn't go this far, i can't even remember the last episode where i actually liked the Todd character. Its been so long.  

  8. Yes or one of the babies will really die and he will switch which ever one will suit his agenda. I think maybe Jessica's will die and Todd does love her and he will switch the baby with Starr's so that he knows the baby will be in good hands and he can still have access to the kid.

  9. There will definitely be a baby switch and of course, Todd will be involved.  One baby is supposed to die.  It'll be a mess.

  10. I bet your right, and oh well, I hate this whole story line anyway. The very idea that anybody would even think of giving their baby to someone who kidnapped their baby brother and held their aunt (with a bad heart) at gun point is utterly ridiculous and insane to me anyway.Scheming to get your grandchild to keep him from being given to a whack job makes a lot more sense to me than the rest of this goofy story line. I hate it.

  11. i hear a lot about this but i don't know how it will work since starr is 7 months pregnant and jess is only 3 months pregnant. that is a big differance that puts jess going into labor at 5 months pregnant. there is no way the baby could survive at 20 weeks. i think there would be a baby switch for a differant baby born in the hospital allowing todd to raise starrs baby, otherwise there is no way a 20 week premature baby (jess's) will look anything like a full term baby.  

  12. There will be a baby switch, but i hear that Jessica's baby dies and then Todd switches the baby and gives it to Jessica, to keep the baby in the family.This meaning that everyone will think that Starr's baby died. I wonder how he will pull this off.

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