
OMFG!! I cant do it! GIRLS ONLY!?

by  |  earlier

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omg! i cant put a tampon in!! what am i doing wrong? iv done absolutley everything, iv releaxed, i used the smallest tampon ever made in stores, i put the jelly stuff on it, iv tried so many positions its not even funny, help me! i dont wanna have to wait til s*x to do it, im F'in sick of pads. help?

thanks, NO rude comments :)




  1. put your finger in there first if that doesnt go in then see obgyn

  2. I know how you feel, I begged my mom to help me with my first tampon!

    Ok, this is a dumb question, but you are trying to put it in the right hole right? Ok, next then.....

    This is your first time right? Well maybe is may be best to ask your mom,or a sister for help. It's a little embarrasing, but it can help.

    I find squatting, really low, with my pants off, works well, or with one leg up on the side of the bath rub.

    If all else fails, try the pads with the attached wipes, because the main reason I dislike pads is because the blood sometimes gathers on my skin, and even runs into my underwear, when the pad is not ever full.

  3. spit on your fingers and rub it all around the tampon haha sounds wierd but try it, then be completely relaxed and point it kinda far towards your back and just try and push it in, but make sure your still relaxed or it wont go in

  4. thats how i was lol

  5. Have you tried laying down?  Maybe try laying down and use a small mirror so you can look at what youre doing.  You might not be putting it in all the way.  Sometimes the plastic applicators are easier than the cardboard ones.  I use kotex and i love them and they dont cost that much.  On the applicators there should be a small should push it all the way in untill you get to that line.  Ive been using tampons for like 8 years now and sometimes I still dont put them in all the way and that makes them a bit uncomfortable so make sure you do that.  Oh yea...when my mom was giving me advice on how to use them when I first started and I was struggling to get them in...she told me to push up and towards the back a little...thats the directions our vaginas go I believe and when she told me that it worked...I think I was trying to push them straight up.  After she told me that I got it in very easy.  Hopefully some of these tips will help you.  Tampons are great...I hated pads too.  Take care.

  6. okay calm down. think happy thoughts but focus on insertion. okay. now squat or put your leg on a wall [real high,that worked for me] or sit or put your leg on the bathtub side etc.  now slowly push the tampon in,you might feel mild discomfort but focus on your thoughts. as in when you feel pain try and drown it out with a happy memory [that's what i did when i got my third set of shots,when i was about nine and it worked] now when your finger is quite literally touching your C**t , inject the tampon in and take out both the larger tube and the smaller tube. if you did exactly what i said then by golly you have succeeded!! look for the string hanging out of your vajingo. congrats if you did but if at first you don't succeed try and try again.

  7. Are you inserting it in the correct place??  Remember, a woman has 3 separate openings.  When I tried to insert a tampon, I aimed too high (think where the clitoris is) and obviously was in the wrong spot.

    Try inserting your finger inside your v****a to make sure you are getting it in the right place.  You should be able to get at least half of your index finger in there comfortably.  Then wait until your flow is very heavy and try again.

  8. okay. tampons can be frustrating for sure. insert the applicator until where you hold your fingers is touching the skin near your v****a. then push the end of the applicator to push the tampon in. I always had problems when I didn't insert the applicator at all. Hope this helps!

  9. i dont use them but i now how to put them in because i swim and use them then and only then (mom wont let me use any other time) well slightly angle it towards your lower back hold where the grip is when your finger touches your lips of the v****a push the plunger and you should have it in the way i found out the way you do it is by felling i put my finger into my v****a and felt till i found the right hole (there's 2 one were pee comes out of and the other leads to the overies and utures that stuff) and you want the second one so if you cant find it try using your fingure to find it fist

  10. uhm, aim towards your lower back. but you've probably tried that.

    are you putting it in the right hole?

    probably... so maybe you have a really tight hymen?

    try masturbating, if your finger can go up, so can a tampon. if you cant get your finger in then try talking to a doctor because you could have a hymen with a really small opening..

    your just gonna have to keep trying i guess. good luck though!

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