
OMFG R&P listen to this and tell me if people do this to you..?

by Guest66420  |  earlier

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I have to wear uniforms at my school,so I wanted to spice it up a bit this is what I did, I decided to wear the usual stuff and this is what I wore with my uniform today

and the belt that looks just like that except with the skull

and i had on my spike choker yesterday with the matching bracelet

I wore black nail polish and eyeliner THATS IT

Yesterday these girls were staring at me, and they saw what I had on today and one of them came up to me and ask was I suicidal..WTF..That doesn't mean I'm suicidal!? I told her heeeeelll no!

Does this or something like this ever happen to anyone besides me?I'm sick of it,like seriously...oh yeah also keep in mind that I live Detroit...not exactly a "Rock City" like people think




  1. the other day i wore my RATm shirt with the nuns with the guns and a couple of different people through the day came up to me and asked if those were nuns ...(pause)... WITH GUNS and walk away they all said the same thing it was people i didnt even know it was wierd but my friends were like thats awesome and i want that shirt etc...

  2. I get strange looks everytime I wear my schoolgirl uniform....except I'm at work and I'm a guy

  3. Didn't you do it to attract attention?

    You got it.

    You can't expect everyone to be knowledgeable on suicide.

  4. i like the bealt , i usto have one kinda like that but black and white without the skull, (and i ened it up giving it to my friend witch was a guy, bc his pants always fell :P  :)  *i thought i should mention that **

    and i hate with stupid girls are so steriostypical and say such stupid things...

    that hasent happend to me

    , but i would be mad..

  5. First off I love you're fashion sense!!!.

    Yes it does happen to me, I wore my only pair of Tripp pants and a HIM shirt to school once and I got asked so many times if I was "goth" or a "satanist" and I'm like "No in fact I'm the opposite, I worship many Gods/Goddess(Wicca)". My advice is wear it loud and proud!!!! F#ck the rest.

  6. Is it fair? No. Is it understandable? Yes. Shouldn't you have expected that kind of reaction? Of course.

    This world is full of first impressions. People are going to see what you wear and how you look before they see your personality and who you are on the inside. You have 2 options: You can change how you look on the outside to match what you want people to see on the inside or you can stop caring so much what people think of you.

  7. I don't dress up like that, so no.

    Maybe I can wear an Opeth shirt to school on a day when we don't wear our uniforms. That'll get me some looks!

    "What the heck is 'O-pee-te-huh"

    "It's Opeth. They're a death metal band from Sweden!!!"


    "Uh, wait, no, ah forget it"

    I did sing some Opeth under my breath in math class today, but no one noticed :D!

  8. Last year I got asked if I was emo so many times.

    This year I haven't so much, because I wear "normal" clothes most of the time now.

    And lmao at Rikki.  I laughed really hard.  :D

  9. Last year I was wearing a dressy black skirt and a shirt my grandma gave me, it was black in the back but in the front it was pretty colorful, and I had my hair down for once, and these girls were behind me whispering about how I must be an anorexic goth chick. I'm like, "HELLO I can HEAR you!" Bah.

    I have 1 pair of black pants and people bug me all the time when I wear them, which isn't often.

    But usually here gray gets included in that. If you wear gray, you're depressed and emo as well. Kinda sucks, since I have 3 gray jackets and a bunch of gray shirts ..... not to mention a pair of gray jeans .....

  10. No...Because I look ''normal'', only I listen to ''weird'' music.

    Just slap her.

    Edit: Riki, you're on a roll today, cracking me up all the time! XD

  11. I'm going to just take a wild guess and say that there preps.

    I get it at my house and at school. I get called emo all the time because I wear a chain like that, spiked belt, and all black. Some people are so ignorant. And I also hear it from my brother. He calls me emo too. And both people at my school (except my friends) and my brother say that any band that screams is emo.

  12. well if you had to wear a uniforms i dont blame you for wanting it to look better :)

    i guess it depends where you live.

    where i live i get called 'emo' just cause i wear black nailpolish & black eyeliner =|  

  13. At my school, the following bands are emo....

    Children of Bodom


    The Haunted

    Job For A Cowboy

    In Flames

    It' f*cking ridiculous how ignorant people are.

    Also, the COB shirt I wear always gets me comments like "You must be obsessed with death" "You must wanna die soon" "Does that say Children of the Boom?"

    After 3 full years of high school and a couple weeks of a 4th...I honestly don't give a flying f*ck what people think of me..but what people say is so annoying.

  14. F#ck em! It means nothing. Trust me; you will learn very quickly when you get out of high school that it really is a big joke. All of the popularity contests and clicks is a bunch of BS that means nothing after high school, and in my opinion means nothing in high school. The real problem is that some kids do take this seriously and it really hurts them emotionally. Just don't be one of those kids. Remember... F#ck em!  

  15. Never happened to me.

    We have a uniform at my school, and people try and make theirs look different all the time ('cause lets face it, it sucks when everyone looks exactly the same) but I don't think anyone really gets harrassed because of it. There was this guy I know who wore reallyyy tight trousers once and he some weird looks, but who cares?

    It's your uniform, wear it how you want.

  16. I went to a Catholic high school, but was a well known 'headbanger' due to I don't live a lie, and once I wore cross earrings and this Mr. Rogers came up and asked if my earrings shouldn't be ~upside down~ because we all know heavy metal is Satan's music. Ha, what a jerkarooni.

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