
OMFG there making a Avatar movie?

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real actors? or is it animation?

i cant wait.

thanks guys or answering with any information regarding this movie




  1. Yes it with real actors. The movie's called  The Last Airbender which is slated to come in 2010.

    I wouldn't be really hyped up though cause it's being directed by

    M. Night Shyamalan...and lately he hasn't come up with very good movies. I'm hoping that this will break up his bad movie streak and that this avatar movie will be a good one.

    I also heard that this movie will be like a trilogy or something too.  

  2. Real actors, so its live action. Avatar movie is coming in 2010, from what I've heard on the net.

  3. yea its real actors and its 3 movies not 1 they will be in theaters 2010

  4. Yes! :)


    They're looking for an actor to play Aang as we speak:

  5. yep yep yep they are!!!

    with REAL live actors!!!!


    i LOVE Avatar!!!!


  6. real actors from what i know

    theres no pictures yet =s

    there making a dragonball z live action too

    and some other

    they have no more ideas for movies D= lol

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