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I just put my necklaces last 3 days. The first day I lost my cell phone. Second day I accidentally break my dad Light. Today I just accidentally break a Plate. Somehow I find out that the necklaces is curse or bad luck on something. Tell me is this Coincidence or what.




  1. are u sure

  2. If the necklace is cursed you have to burn it, or it will continue to curse you, it depends on what the curse is that was put on the necklace, so these other things may just be random. I put a curse of illness on someone, these things sound too random to be from the curse.

  3. Well how long have you had these necklaces?  Have you had bad luck when you wore them before?  Has anyone had access to your necklaces that would want to curse you or has the ability to curse an object?  Regardless the way to uncurse your necklaces is to take them out tonight and place them in the moonlight all night long pick them back up before the sun rises.  When you put them outside call on the deity of your choice and ask her or him to bless and cleanse this item with the power of the moonlight and night breezes.  If you have a talent make up a little poem to bless them with.  Thank the God/dess(es) and let the night magick work.  Blessed be.

  4. Coincidence.  But sounds like you are having a really bad week.
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