
OMG, I ve posted some photos of somebdy on this area, Will they trace me , Will that person take any action?

by Guest33228  |  earlier

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if he comes to know??

O please answer seriously , I am worried




  1. i really doubt it

  2. i doubt it

  3. dude that was stupid.

    And not nice either..

    Most likely they wont find it..BUT delete the question..quickly.

    rate best answerr.? xD

  4. what do you mean you posted somebody on this area?

    im confused. and why would u post pictures of someone, esp. if they didnt want you 2?

  5. why did u do that? couldnt find ur own pics to post?

  6. yes

  7. You dork !!!!!

    and more,,,   where is you respect !!!!!!!!

    run far away, I would, but then I'am not that silly....

  8. This doesn't sound like a topic for Friends, but if you posted pics of someone without their permission there could be some repercussions.

    In the future, don't post photos of other people unless they okay it. What will happen this time, you'll find out soon enough. We cannot predict the outcome. We do not know the situation.

  9. why did u post someones photo specially if they doesnt know about it or they are not villing to it.just say sorry to them and never repeat this

  10. pictures of u or soomebody else? and what site? it depends on the type of person u r showing themto

  11. They can trace you and who knows if the person will take action or not.  You should have know better in the first place.  If the person finds out just apologize graciously and tell them that you meant no harm.  You have to show that you are sorry if you are found out about.

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