

by  |  earlier

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okay, so she just sent me an email saying she thinks she;s pregant cuz she has all the symptoms. her and her boyfriend messed around but she wasnt taking her birth controll pills, and her and her boyfriend broke up about 2 weeks ago. she only told me cuz she;s not 100% and if she tells him he;s going to think shes doing it just to get him bback or something . i told her to go get a test or go to a clinic but she's scared & she said if she is pregnant she doesnt think shes going to keep it. and that makes me sooo sadd because im soo againt abortions. i have no idea what to tell her. please help! what should she do. wat should i do to help? & please dont give me stupid answers i really need help on this!




  1. First, take a deep breath. Ok, now go over to her house and see if she has taken a pregnancy test. I f she has and the results come as positive. Its ok it could be something else that she may have that is making the answer come up like that, you never know. And about her bf you can tell  him if she feels comfortable but after you have seen a doctor. Make sure that she tells her parents before she does anything such as abortion.And remember use a condom whenever you can and at all costs necessary do  not take any risks. Hope all goes well...

  2. if she was mature enough to have s*x... then she is mature enough to deal with the consequences.

    She needs to take a pregnancy test -either store bought or at a clinic

    Once she is sure is pregnant then she can start to deal with the rest of it.

  3. Is she an adult? If so, just support her decision, whatever that may be. She knows what she's ready for and what she's willing to go through. Telling the ex wouldn't be a good idea anyway as even if she is pregnant, that's not a way to repair a relationship (if she was going to keep it). If she's planning to abort, there's no point in him ever knowing about it. What would that accomplish?

    I hope that she's not, since apparently it's not something she desires. Hopefully in the future she'll take her birth control more seriously. She could've at least gone and gotten Plan B after they had s*x, if she wasn't on the pill at the time. She chose to take the risk, now she's dealing with the her friend. She needs one right now.

  4. Just support her with whatever decision she makes. It is not your decision.

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