
OMG, OMG, OMG...Please help with this, I'm worried...?

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I am 8 months pregnant and I was cleaning up the baby's room. We just moved in 3 months ago and I put all of my daughters toys in the baby's room and a bunch of other stuff of hers, along with baby stuff. Anyways, we had a big bin in there filled with toys as I started to clean it I noticed a mouse t**d on the edge of it. Since then I've been searching through the house and found a few more in the baby's bedroom, about 8 (probably more) in my daughters room, and 3 (probably more) in the kitchen area. What do I do? This is absolutely disgusting, we are clean people! My Fiance just left to get mice traps but what do we do as far as my daughters health and the future newborn's health and ours? Should we pick up the mice droppings as we see them, wait until we start catching the mice, then do a thorough house cleaning? I can't believe we have mice!!! At what point should we do the full house cleaning? I don't want to do the hard cleaning just to keep finding mouse droppings. Thxs




  1. aww that situation is bad. just get the traps and do stuff like that to get rid of them. when i lived at home we used to have mice but i dnt remember how we got rid of them.

  2. Easy thing,don't leave opened food or leftovers out  because your just feeding them ,funny thing idsthey've been  there a lot longer than you so look for , or have your husband look for hole around the base and floorboards of your house , to find holes, after locating them get a jar of peanut butter and mix with rat poison, enough to fill the holes in the floor boards wherever you see obvious mice holes .And don't leave food and opened packages lying out. To clean the toys mix a tblspn of bleach or antiseptic cleaner w/water and clean your kids toys. Goood luck and hope you get rid of the pest soon ,They have that knew plug-in thath sends high frequency signals through your wall to drive pest awayas well as roaches ,they sell themat BIGlots if you have one in your area or Go to a (As Seen On T.V) store

  3. The mice came with your new house. So don't feel like it is a reflection on your cleanliness. First off get some mouse traps and bait them with peanut butter.  You may also want to contact a pest control specialist. They have products that are very effective. Also make sure that the foundation is tight and seal up any cracks that may be letting the critters in. Keep food sealed up and stored away. If you have a pet dog or cat keep the food in a sealed can and do not leave it sitting out between meals. besides this being a ready source of food for mice it is also a nutrisiouse diet.

    As for cleaning up the mouse turds, be sure to wear rubber gloves and wash your hands well after. You may want to check with your doc to see if mouse turds have the risk of toxaplasmy. (the complication during pregnancy that you can get from cats litter boxes that they can get from rodents.) Im not sure if this is an issue but if it were me I would ask

  4. report it to the manager and see what they tell you. hurry before baby comes.

  5. relax there just mice!!  everyone has them if they see them or not.  i have 3 cats so i have to pick up dead mice all the time and take them out of there mouths, your lucky you got just turds to pick up!! im 6 months preg BTW.

  6. Ofcourse you clean them up as you look for them EVERYDAY! Your avatar name says it all.

  7. you're baby is due on my mum's b'day, lol, but for the mice you should put peanut butter on the mousetraps they go crazy for it.

  8. Relax. Just clean well and put out mouse traps. Then, go around the outside of your house and seal up every little hole you see where mice (or anything else) could get in. Mice are very opportunistic and often come inside to find food or water. Put out the traps. I don't advise using poisons if you have pets or are going to have a baby around. Plus, you shouldn't be around it since you're pregnant.

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