
OMG, can you believe this child's day?

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One of my new neighbours have a 2 year old boy. He gets up at 10 am then watches tv until 12. At 12 he gets lunch, then down for a nap at 1 pm. He stays in bed until 4 pm then plays and has dinner, etc, then back in bed at 7 or 7.30pm. She doesn't think he's spending too much time in bed!

Can you believe that poor child's day!?




  1. With all that time consumed I bet the poor baby has never seen a playground

  2. I'm more worried at how you know these facts.

    but , Mon Dieu...

    If he's not resisting it then the sleep may actually be good for him, especially if he's going through a growth spurt.

    If he's staying awake and just playing in his crib/bed, though, then that's not cool.

  3. Yeah and then when he is  going up and to school he'll be dosing off in class!!!

    my gosh

    i dont want to believe it but i have to!

  4. What most concerns me isn't the amount of sleep he gets.  He probably needs it.  What most concerns me is that he is watching TV for 2 hours every day.  That is way too much for any kid, especially a 2 year old.

    It's  a lot of sleep, which is a different issue.  If the doctor's not concerned then it's probably fine.  Doesn't sound like he gets a lot of active play, which he sorely needs.  If he didn't want to sleep he wouldn't, so it's not like she's forcing him or anything.  If he doesn't have a medical problem then I wouldn't worry about the sleep thing.  I'd be much more worried that she's raising a TV addict that will soon graduate to video games and become a kid that can't talk, play or relate to anyone unless they're on a TV screen.

  5. thats some serous sleep i know a 2 year old needs sleep but not that much they should take away the nap and get him up like 8 or 9 and don't let him watch so much tv :)

  6. When my friend's child was that age she also had a similiar sleeping pattern. The child is now 15, and is definately NOT lazy. She also gets up early for school, even after having late nights. Every child is different, and they are capable of outgrowing sleeping patterns they had when young. And besides, what 2 year old will sleep if they don't want to?

  7. I can't believe they got a 2 year old to sit still that long!

  8. thats going to get him into really bad habbits! when he's like 12 he's going to be soooooooooooooo lazy! Does he sleep all through the night? if he does that is to much sleep and that could be harmful!

  9. okay, i woke up at SEVEN at that age, and NOW AS A TWELVE year old, im wakin up at 11, im helpfulk round the house (wen im awake) but that kid will have a h**l of a time wakin up by 3:00 in summer

  10. maybe an hour nap during the day but not 4 hour nap. And he should be getting up a little earlier than 10am. To me this is creating a lazy child. I know from experience in my family that when you let them sleep or make them sleep at a very young age that long that it grows with them.

  11. That's terrible. When I was two, my mum had us up at 7. On the prom by 9 and we stayed there until 12. Then home for lunch. Nap from 1-2. Then around my grandparents and we'd stay there until 4/5 and we'd go home and I'd play in the house. She's gonna stunt his delevopment.

  12. OMG.

    thats shamefull.

    he should be out at the park and playing with others.

    he should have an hour long nap TOPS!

    have you tryed advising her? i no its not your place to say but that child will grow up not wanting to do anything, try getting him up for school in the morning!

  13. he's not even awake for 8 she drugging him? I know some kids sleep more than others...but my goodness. This cannot be every day?

  14. Wow! thats lots of sleep for a 2yr old

  15. I take it from your rush to judge that you know this child's medical history? That you know for sure that there isn't a reason for his sleeping pattern other than "having a lazy mummy?"

    If a two year old is WILLING to sleep for that long, it's a pretty good indication that something's going on that makes him need to sleep.

    When two year olds don't want to stay in bed, they will kick, they will scream, they will break out of the crib, they will break out of the room....

    Yes, it might be that this kid has a lazy mother. But it also might be that you're new neighbour has a sick kid and doesn't know, OR doesn't want to share it with the type of person who's likely to broadcast their judgements to the world over the internet.

  16. 7 month old doesnt even sleep that long....but every child is different so if thats the routine they got him set on or he set himself on then its fine growing kids need alot of rest..... so i would ness. say "poor child"

  17. Wow!  And I thought I was a lazy mum, when actually I'm like superwoman ...... comparatively.  Poor kid.

  18. The bit that worries me the most is that he watches tv for 2 hours a day at 2 YEARS old....some babies need more sleep but i say if he got ouside and ran around she may find he didnt need to sleep so much laziness begets laziness!!!!She is defiantly teaching her child poor habits!!

  19. as long as he is asleep then he must need it. If she is just putting him to bed to get rid of him then it is a problem.

  20. Maybe she should go to bed for a few years.Ridiculous.

  21. My daughter was like that at that age but she was growing really quick she went up 2 sizes that year.

  22. Take hi to the park for goodness sake lol

  23. I don't think it is fair to judge. Some kids need more sleep than others. Now to me, that does seem alot... but that is compared to my kids. I don't have her child.... so who am I to say?

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