
OMG~~~Can humans grow feathers????

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I know this guy who pulled one out of his cheek. He showed it to me and I swear to God it was a feather. It was super tiny, but had the very same look and texture of a feather. Can anyone explain this to me??




  1. This is definitely true. Every now and then I get an itch somewhere on my torso and I see a stiff little hair in the area. I pull it out with tweezers and about a two to three millimeter length of a feather-looking hair emerges. It looks just like a baby feather except the color of hair. And, yes, they seem to grow from damaged skin, such as scars and stretchmarks so it must be a mutation of some sort. I've heard other people mention the same thing so it's not as uncommon as you might think. People just need to pay more attention to their bodies before they discredit others.

  2. It's probably just a group of very fine hairs growing all from the same follicle and it looks like a feather, I have these grow out of my stretchmarks where the skin is different, so the hairs grow differently as well.  They sure do look like feathers though.

  3. my mom told me i had a feather growing on my back and she takes it off when im a sleep once late at night i woke up and there was a fluffy thing on by back i itched it and went back to sleep(NOTE: i dont a a pillow with feathers in it) when my mom told me that i had a feather on my back i thought that i should keep each one so i told my mom that i wanted to keep that feather that grown on my back and once in the morning when i woke up i noticed i had 2 extra canine teeth right next to each other  on the bottom part of my jaw

  4. Truth is, yes. It is complicated but is real, it does happen. This evolve goes further back then is realized by ***those who never stand a chance of even beginning to understand it. aka: ***hecklers with no life. They do this because they cannot comprehend it.

    So for those that seek answers for this reality, you are okay and let change guide you. For those who for some reason decided to look this question up to seek out their one braid cell for entertainment, Patrick on Spongebob is who you need to consult with.

  5. My mom told me that every so often a feather grows from her neck which she removes. At first I asked her if she was sure it wasnt just from her pillow, but she said it was actually from her neck and not simply on it. I've been thinking about it and I decided to search the web and see if I could figure this out, and I keep finding all these stories about it. I'd never even heard of this condition. I asked my mom to give me the feather the next time one grows. I think the best advice is to analize it. I guess part of my family has wierd DNA, and for some reason all but 8 of my teeth are canines, but as far as I know neither of my parents nor any of my grandparents from either side, or anyone that ive asked in my family is like that. I guess the moral is, when dealing with genetics, anomolies are bound to happen eventually.

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