On wrestlingrevealed.com it says:
"Colt Cabana, who happens to be very good friends with CM Punk, is set to be called up from developmental real soon."
WQ: What brand do you think/want him to be on?
BQ: Do you think that he will be used to his full potential?
I really want him to be on SD! since that's where rising stars are made (e.g. Kennedy, MVP) compared to Raw. He could end up on ECW though (which would suck, but I would prefer that to Raw) because of the whole new talent thing.
Colt Cabana IMO is waaaaaaaaaaay past the IC/US level and should really be at the turning main event level, but since he's basically starting fresh he'll most likely be a face/crowd favorite who hopefully pick up a win in his first match. Downside though is that the WWE isn't great a pushing and using potential well so we'll just have to wait and see.
Gosh Colt is awesome. Whats your thoughts and opinions.