
OMG HELP!!! I don't want to move...?

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OK so my parents are always looking at houses, i don't know why, I think that's like a hobby. Well they found a house in my town that's for sale. Last year it was a very crappy house. And then someone bought it, and flipped it, and is now selling it. It's suppose to be really nice inside now (although the outside still isn't very nice). My parents really like it, but it's small. I really don't want to move into it. I live in a mansion right now, so moving to a house that size will be uncomfortable. I love the house i live in now. My parents jobs are fine, so there is no need to live in a house like that, i guess instead of going on vacation twice a year, they want to go like 4 times a year, and have more money in the bank. But i really don't want to move, or at least to a house like that. My mom says that if we sell our house, it would be in the spring, and she said we probably wont move into that house because it would probably be gone by then. But i don't want to sell our house in the spring, i don't want to move. My mom also says "well if you two don't start picthing in and doing chores around here then we have to move". There is alot of stress in my life right now, for example, starting high school and i have no idea whats going on between me and my friend. this will just add onto the stress. So how can I stop getting stressed out about the worst case, and moving into that house?? Also, how can I convince my parents not to move??

PS, they like to move. This is my third house that i've lived in... but all of my houses have been big




  1. sometimes you don't have a choice. i knew when we shouldn't have moved but it didn't stop us. then we moved again so it didn't matter. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is to express that you don't want to move. if your going into high school even if you don't know whats going on with your friends you should still pitch in and help. You're never gonna figure out whats going on with your friends so just take out the garbage every once in a while while your waiting for something to cook or feed a pet when you get up in the morning. If you really don't pitch in at all your parents will notice that.  

  2. How old are you?

    If you're under 18, you may not want to move, you also have no real choice in the matter.


    Where do you think money comes from?  Your parents are flipping houses too, they just live in them between times.

    Ask them, this isn't an emotional decision, it's strictly business.

  3. Here's a wild idea.... why don't you pitch in and start helping out around the hosue like she asked?  If you're almost in high school and this is only your third house, consider yourself lucky.  By the time I graduated high school, we had moved 9 times.  You sound like a spoiled brat ("I live in a mansion now.")  You can stop getting stressed out by realizing that this is not your final decision, you are not the one making the money in the house.  

  4. Maybe your Mom is tired of taking care of this big house by herself. If she has a full time job and has to clean by herself that don't seem fair.  

  5. Your parents are down-sizing to save more money. It isn't just the cost of the house itsself, but the property taxes they will also save.

    Unfortunately, they probably will not take your wishes into consideration. If you are entering high school, you and your sibling are plenty old enough to be cleaning up after yourselves and also doing key chores to maintain the common areas of the house. You can try to convince her of your maturity and willingness to make the bigger house work by doing the following:

    You need to sit down with your mother and sibling and come up with exactly what your mom wants. Get a big calendar and put what chores are done by whom on what day. Color code it per person. You will also want to add on any special events or after school activities as you go along. That way, there will be no misunderstandings... it will all be written down.

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