

by  |  earlier

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i really need to know how to do a double turn for poms tryouts. i can do a single perfectly but a double i always lean and fall over by the second turn i need help like depseratley!




  1. Imagine that you have a string connected to the top of your head pulling you up. If you are leaning forward all the time try to lean back a little more, without falling back of course!

  2. pull up!

    close your rib cage, and suck in your stomach. You will engage your abs which will allow you to do multiples.

    think about pushing down through the floor, but also lifting up. a turn is just a rotating releve!

    good luck!

  3. do a single turn, and then quickly do another. you have now completed a double turn.

  4. By "turns" do you mean pirouettes? If you can't do a double pirouette you can't cheat it by doing two singles, because it will be obvious. I doubt you'll be able to do a perfect double by tomorrow but just practice constantly today in front of a mirror. Remember to hold your center. As my jazz teacher says, pretend there is an invisible string on the top of your head and someones pulling it up. Make sure you're spotting as well. Remember to plie before you turn because it will give you that push you need to get around.

    And if you still can't do a double, then do a clean single. As a dance teacher I'd much rather see a perfect single pirouette rather than a sloppy double. Just remember to be confident and smile! If this is the only thing you're having trouble with maybe they will see your potential and confidence and you will be picked! Don't ever give up! :)

  5. Well if you can't do it now, chances are you're not going to learn it by tomorrow.    As the previous poster says, a double is just two singles one after the other, isn't it? And you can do a single perfectly, so just do two singles in a row.

    Just do your best and and if you fall, you fall.  There's nothing you can do about it.

  6. So I assume you are talking about a double pirouette, correct? Well since you are just learning, lift you rheel only slightly off the floor. You can go up on a higher releve' with more practice. Support your arms alot! and keep your shoulders down and rib cage supported alot. Make sure your toe is pointed AT your knee, not behind it. and extend your ankles as well, no scrunched up toes, it should be a nice point.

    Then. push off with more momentum than you use for a single. Make sure to spot or else it will look messy. Uhm, Balance? I'm not sur eif you can learn it in a day. It takes practice and TIME. Its really very simplet though. You will get it.

    So what  I would strongly recomend, is to just do a single. If they ask for a double, do a single and if they notice, say, I'm still workign on it but I should have it soon. If they ask you to show them, show them, and try to be prepared for this. But really, it will help alot if you show them your perfect single. They would rather see that than a messy double.

    good luck.

  7. -spot

    -chin up

    -shoulders down

    -tight center

    -straight knees

    -high posse

    -pointed toes

    use your plie in your prep to get a little more momentum to get around twice!  

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