

by  |  earlier

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omg today i came home from school and i went over to give my guinea pig a feel on his head because he had a bump on his head and it was going down so i wanted to see if it was gone when i looked she had the bump her hair was gone in that spot and some sorta dried liquid looked white when it comes out and dries yellow well its in one spot and im freaking out what is it!? can i squez it out or should i let the vet take it what ever it is?




  1. Abscess?  

  2. Well it sounds like the pimple I got last week! LOL. Ok sorry that was mean but it could be a bad iration or maybe he bumped his head real hard. I would take it to the vet. PLEASE DON'T SQUEEZE IT! That is prob hurting him very badly! Take him to the vet ASAP.  

  3. what ever you do, DO NOT SQUEEZE IT!!! take him to the vet!!

    what you are seeing coming out of the wound is called puss.

    which means, the wound itself is infected.

    this should only be treated by a medical professional "at first" and then they can tell you how to care for it at home after they have looked at the situation.

  4. Don't mess with it whatever you do. Just take the poor baby to the vet. Good luck. :)

  5. Sounds like an abscess. Take her to a trained exotic vet IMMEDIATELY. Here's a good list to find vets:

  6. From your description this is an abscess.  It may have been caused by a bite from another pig or by a scratch/cut from something sharp in the cage. Infection has entered the wound and caused the abscess.

    I really shudder when someone says “the vet may recommend ….”  all sorts of expensive procedures ……hhmmm…of course they will, the ‘credit crunch’ hits them too.

    Keep an eye on the lump – if it is still there. Bathe it with a warm salty solution or very mild antiseptic. Is there a hole in the skin? There will be a hole if an abscess has just burst. It is very important to keep the hole open by gentle bathing (2-3 times a day) so that any pus inside the abscess can drain out naturally. If the skin heals on the outside before all the pus is out of the abscess, it will just fill up again.

    Where on the head is the lump? If it is under the chin that is very common and is caused by splinters from hay etc. If it is very close to the eye or ear, I would be more worried and ask vet advice.  

  7. it could be an abscess  

  8. why would u squeeze it   r e t a r d  use ur brain take it to the vet

  9. DONT SQUEEZE IT! it could be a tumor.. or just an infection. Take her to the vet!!

  10. You need to calm down first. Don't try and do it yourself. You need to take your guinea pig to the vet right away. It could be as harmless as a skin lump, or as deadly as a tumor.

    Skin Lumps and Bumps -- What Are They?

    Lumps may be abscesses, fatty limpomas, cysts, or tumors. Examine your guinea pig at least once a week for lumps and bumps, and see a vet for an evaluation.

    Your vet will perform a thorough visual examination. He/she may also recommend:

         A fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)

         A wedge biopsy (more material collected, more accuracy)

         Surgical removal

         Cleaning and installation of a drain (abscess)

         Cavy-safe antibiotics (abscess)

    Collected material would be examined by microscope in-house, sometimes sent to a pathologist for interpretation.

    For more info:

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