
OMG! How can I become the absolute Potentate High Queen Ruler of the world by Friday? Please Help!?

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OK, so I met this guy and he's really cute.

He's not from around here. His family owns a bunch of planets and worlds and galaxies and stuff.

I think his dad is some kind of intergalactic Czar Emperor guy or something an his mom is Queen I think.

Anyhow, the guy is like super hot and I really like him and I think he likes me, so I told him I was the Queen of the Earth.

Now his parents are coming to meet me on Friday!

What can I do?

I"m only a part-time waitress at Denny's and make about $160 per week?

Do you think everyone on the earth would pretend I'm their queen if I asked?

It's just for a couple of days.

Has this ever happened to you? What did you do?





  1. just keep smoking - you will become queen of the universe

  2. Oh, what wicked webs we weave when first we practice to deceive!

    I'll pretend you are my queen this time but I hope you learned something, young lady.  The next time you meet a Interstellar Prince, just be yourself.

  3. Repeat that 3 times while clicking your heels together and it shall be so! Poof!!!

  4. Go beg your fairy godmother

  5. Try to be shy and unassuming.  They will probably want to take pictures of you and interview you.  Wear something comfortable.  Offer them some iced tea and nut bread.  Keep your wand and magic carpet nearby.  If your wand fails you, you can hop on your carpet and slip on out of there.

  6. Release what small hold on reality you have, and you are there. And "there" is wayyyyy out there.

  7. I support you 100%! I do a good grovel. He'll believe it.

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