She's sneaky. She lies. She does what she wants to try to get her way, even if it might hurt people. She tricks me all the time, and now this time I've really effed up.
Well, there's this coworker who kinda doesn't work unless you are holding a match to her ***. She has a baby though, and used to work well, so it's like, wow. I feel bad for her. Anyways, Saturday this was aggravating the tricky coworker who has other things aggravating her, namely that our boss is in charge of her when she wants to be in charge! But that's beside the point. She kept dissing her to me all day long, even when I tried to say things like, I ignore her or else I'd be very angry toward her or I don't want to talk bad about her. The girl was never in our area working that day, and the tricky one said she'd caught her sleeping a couple times! I believed her coz I've seen it in the past.... Later the coworker threatened to go tell her off and "get her in trouble." (Our boss was off that day, btw.)