
OMG HuRRY!!! MY <span title="GERBIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">GERBIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Okay my gerbil is limping and he isnt even using his right leg at all. and my mom doesnt have the money to go to the vet right now so we are going to wait.But for now how can I make Tails feel comfertible.He used to wag his tail when he was happy and I would hold him now he doesnt he is not even running around alot all he does is go in his hut and sleep or just sit there and stare at my hamster or dog.

Tails (my gerbil) and Eddy (my hamster) get along great but they don't go in the smae cage, but anyways maybe Eddy climbed on Tails and it was to much wait and he sprained is foot but I just wanted to know how I can make him more comfy.

thanks and please no hate mail.




  1. it might of just ran to fast in the cage and twisted its ankle or it got caught on somin like trapped hope this helps

  2. For one thing, don&#039;t touch him if you don&#039;t need to, you could further aggravate his leg.  Take him to the vet as soon as possible.  There&#039;s not much else you can do in the meantime, other than make sure he&#039;s eating and drinking.

  3. you cant touch his leg just go to the vet

  4. Do not handle him unless you have too.  Remove anything he can climb on and his wheel from the cage.  Take him to the vet as soon as you can but there is not much they can do for an animal so small; it will probably have to heal in its own time.

  5. Don&#039;t worry too much, gerbils are extraordinarily hardy little critters and can recover from most injuries. He won&#039;t run around on a sore leg but so long as he is still able to get to food and water then he&#039;ll probably be fine. Do keep a close eye on him though and make sure he is eating and drinking. If he&#039;s not then the problem may be more serious and he HAS to be taken to a vet.

    Whilst he&#039;s healing don&#039;t hold him (you may cause him more discomfort), you can still feed him seeds from the front of his cage and stroke him, but don&#039;t force him. And just in future, gerbils and hamsters shouldn&#039;t be together (I know you said they weren&#039;t in the same cage, but you did say maybe Eddy climbed on him?). They don&#039;t make good play mates in general.

    Good luck, and hope tails is feeling better soon.

  6. It&#039;s possible Tails just twisted his leg playing too rough but keep an eye on him and you need to get him to the vet when you&#039;re able to as I one had a Hamster that all of the sudden that happened to him and it ened up being he had a stroke.  Have your mom call the vet as they may be able to work it out where she can pay the vet bill later since some vets will let you do that.

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