I'm so stressed. school starts on tuesday, and it'll be my first day of high school. I seriously don't want to go. And there is more to it than You would think.
First of all, this is pretty common, but the school grounds are huge, I KNOW for a fact I'm gonna get lost on the first day, that sucks Hardcore.
Next, theres the other fairly common fear, exams. I suck on tests, but get A's on projects and assingements. my brain freezes up and I can't remember anything, so I'm gonna be screwed like a light bulb.
And the last ones kinda unique. I was SEVERLY Bullied when i was younger, all the way from kindergarten to grade six, when it got so bad that i switched schools for grade 7 and 8. well now, I've got to go back and see all those people that had tortured me for all those years. And No, they havn't grown up in 2 years. I went to the high school with all the other grade 9's to get my time table, and when they saw me, they picked up where they left off. Fortunatly for me, i had my ex there and i was talking to him, and i was able to keep my cool, so it was ok then, but they were still at it. there is no way i can go to school if thats going to continue. I eventually couldn't handel it in elementery school and ened up knocking a few kids out for bullying me over the years. I was bullied physically and verbally. I was a fat little kid, so they branched off from that. It was horrible.
so now I have so face all that again. relive the past. I honestly feel like throwing a temper tamtrum. arms flailing and legs kicking and i feel like screaming, "I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" It ruined my life once and i don't want it to happen again. I can't face these people again.
All this stuff about high school, I don't feel like going. If i could stay in elementry school, I would. then nothing wouldn't have to change, and then i could stay in a place where no one even considered for a second making fun of me and calling me fat, or worse nicknames that I don't wish to disclose to strangers. (Sorry) If I could stay in middleschool, everything would be fine. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Any advice on anything that I'm worried about would be extreamly helpful. thanks.