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Okay so my friend talked 2 my ex that I recently broke up with right? Well it turns out they apparently "go out" now. Oh yeah and first off they've never met each other in person just talked on the phone. Oh and get this one lives in Washington D.C. and the other one lives in South Carolina. Seriously do you know how betrayed I feel right now? This girl I thought was my bff/sister/partner in crime but i guess not now. She said she's going out with him because she actually likes him. Seriously then I just hung up. I don't know why but it actually kind of makes me sick. I'm afraid she's gonna tell him stuff I say now too, but she said We were like sisters before I met him and we still are now. I was sitting there thinking. Whoa you never met him. Also she never had a boyfriend before. Idk I'm just feeling very betrayed right now and kind of nauseous. Idk I just feel very confused because she always acted like she was there for me now this? I can't believe it. Should I still b her friend?




  1. okay so first of all if she was a really good friend she should have came to you and asked you if it was alright for her to go out with your recent ex. also I'm pretty sure it is not even a  real relationship because they never met and don't even really know each other. its just your ex and your friend playing boyfriend and girlfriend. okay now about you guys being friends i think you should tell your friend how you feel about it and if she reacts is a non-friend way you should probably give each other some room for while. and trust me i know the feeling. :[

    i hope that helps.

  2. girls will be girls its not going to work out with them dating if they live so far... just give it time they will drift away

  3. Your still young let it go cause tht probly won't last btw. them for alll she no's he can be cheating on her whenever plus there is going to be so many more guys in ur life dnt even worry bout him n eentually if they break up she if gunna come back crawling to u because u guys are so close n u should b there to help her because u stilll lovee her she'll probably always b ur best friend dnt let some guy in btw ur relationship.

  4. I believe you should let go of the friendship until she can realize "best friends are forever, boys are whatever" so to speak.

    You need to tell her how you feel. If she ignores or won't budge (not taking your feelings into consideration). I would let her do her own thing and you do yours at that point. A best friend, or a true friend at that, would not do such a thing.


    She didn't respect you or put your feelings into consideration. She is free to date who she wants; yes, but she also has a bond with you that no male is suppose to be able to cross in between. She broke that bond and trust by doing something that isn't understandable and doesn't seem right.

    Him and his counsins are out to get you?  Even more convincing to let this friendship (best/sisterhood) go.

    If there was a guy and his counsins trying to hurt my best friend, oh heck no! All he.ll would break loose. No way would I date a guy who is after to hurt my best friend.  

    You know?

    She is 13 and until she can grow up, she is going to do these things until she establishes in her head of what a "true best friend" is.

    Trust me, my best friend and I went through lots of this stuff in high school.  You know, I just lost her to cancer (she was 22) last month. All these things we fought over was so silly and stupid. We finally got to that point after high school we realized it.  However, it took us awhile (18 years of best friends all together).

    So, I know it isn't easy to just "let go". but it isn't easy staying "friends" with a girl who doesn't take your feelings into consideration nor seems protective of the friendship (guy after you situation) etc.

    She doesn't even "know" him yet she is "dating him".

    Sometimes I wonder if she is saying she is "dating" him to get you jelouse of her? In reality, all this is a "game" to them.

    Either way, you deserve better hun.

  5. How do you know him, and where did you meet him?

    Don't feel betrayed, because if you to are so alike, then she'll stop dating him eventually too, because you broke it off for some reason that you didn't like about him, or he broke it off with you for a reason he didn't like about you. And if you're the same, then why would he date you twice?

    Get what I mean?

    And I think its creepy and weird, and gross that people date and they've never talked or seen each-other.

  6. It sounds like she's being catty and not respecting your and her friendship. Why don't you sit down with her and basically say the same thing you just told us to her? If she doesn't listen and is still neglecting your feelings then let her go for now and just chill with your other friends.

    Also, if your ex and his cousins/friends are "out to get you" then just tell one of your parents about the situation. You don't have to try and handle everything on your own. :-)

  7. She can date him if she wants...You guys aren't together anymore...You broke up with him...So end of story.

  8. OMG! wow! im kind of in that situation rite now! but its with my cousin! and im the one that went out with the ex boyyafriend!wow its like you deja vu!but we are all from the same state! New Mexico! and it seems to me that your friend wnats to do it! like when i told my cousin she hated me and she still aint talking to me and it just happened today! i just hope she can forgive me and i hope yu can some how work it out! does she wanna brake up with him! cuz when i told my cousin i wanted to brake up with him rite after! but then again i forgot him and my cousin went out!

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