

by  |  earlier

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  1. Go in your bedroom and shut the door. Climb in your bed with the covers over you,and, wait till someone comes home!! (Bring the phone with you to call a friend!!)

  2. say hi to it next time

  3. come on!you're not alone your friend is with you

    try to forget it

    when human beings die their bodies will rot underground and nothing else will stay here

    feel free to e-mail me if you're afraid though

  4. Don't worry. YOU can always just walk outside, leaving the "ghost" to get your friend who's stuck in the dryer. Problem solved!

  5. onr thing RELAX  if u had a sleep over ur  friends  put make up on u to freak u out    and if its not  good luck!lol boo!  >:)

  6. I saw a ghost of a bike rider earlier today while I was driving. Lasted about a second then it just vanished. Freaky huh?

  7. put both your arms over your face and dive through the window.

    scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" while your doing it.

    then scramble to get to your feet, look over your shoulder and scream and run down the street.

    start banging on the first door that you get to but dont stay long enough for them to answer. look over your shoulder scream and run to the next door spending even less time at it.

    eventually curl up in the street with your arms over your face and scream while you are being butchered by the ghost.

  8. someone saw the movie mirrors and let it go to their head.

  9. Relax, that was you without makeup on.

  10. go out side for some fresh air and call a friend over read the bible watch tv and relax and move the mirror away from you leave the house for a while

  11. I am a paranormal researcher and investigator and if you just witness seeing a spirit in the mirror then you left out a lot of things...And it just seems strange to me that you would leave so many thing out of your story.......... I have interviewed many people that have seen a spirit in their mirror... I mean hundreds of people and you left out to many thing So I am asking you what else happen...........

  12. If it freaks you out that much, here are some options:

    A) Get rid of the mirror

    B) Call a friend to come over and stay the night or until you feel comfortable in your own house again.

    C) Stay at a friends house for a few days

    D) Move out of your house as soon as you can leaving the mirror there.

    E) Put the mirror in storage

    F) Go to a psychic to find out why you saw her in the mirror and find out if she's attached to the mirror, the house, the property, something else in the house or if she wants anything.

    G) Have your house blessed or something

    Sorry that's all the possible advice I can think of. In the meantime chill out. Don't give yourself a heart attack.

  13. yu need to cleanse your house or something. go hire somone.if this is a joke then go  get a life

  14. I will give you the answer in a language you will understand: IT'S CALLED A REFLECTION!!!!!!! IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY, IT WILL LOOK LIKE YOU!!!!!!! YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!

  15. go outside w/ keys to the house and a phone and call someone to come over-you will feel much safer

  16. Did she look like you?

  17. shes right behind you.

  18. A friend of mine who is a professional psychic told me once that you can see them in mirrors, but try to keep your mind blank when you look in a mirror so that you don't  bring the evil spirits threw.  Not all spirits are evil, but that a mirror can be used as a portal to bring them to our environment.

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