
OMG I Need Advice! School please :(.?

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Ok so everyday when I go to school and my mom wakes me up I start sobbing.I am so stressed I go to a private school. I have an awful feeling in my stomach like butterflies or worse. Always when I have American History and Science I feel like sobbing. Are science teacher sucks first off and I have an awful lab partener who is not smart at all. I miss my mom like heck during thoose to classes and I feel overwelmed. I have a fantasitic social life but It is like it doesnt matter anymore 7th grade sucks. Any advise? At night I sobb to because I know I have to go tom. Even on the weekends. I hate my life. Please help me. Do I need consuling? Help !




  1. Im your age to! Listen to me!!! I felt like that at the beginning of the year to but you cant worry about it! I'm sure your gonna change lab partners soon so relax! If 1 of your teachers is that horrible then ask your mom if you can change wings! IDK how it works in pravite school but at our school talking makes everything better! Talk to your friends durring class or get to know peeps!

  2. Well you do need spelling lessons.  

    The word ARE is not a possessive pronoun.  The definition of ARE is:  a for of be as in they are, we are.

    It is not a synonym for the word OUR which definition is:  relating to us or ourselves...a possessive pronoun.  

    It would help if you used the correct word because when you use the wrong on your question takes on a totally different meaning.  

    So your complaining about your lab partner is pretty much a moot point since you don't even know which word to use.  And the word sob has only one be at the end not two...I think I understand now why you are overwhelmed by 7th grade.  Brush up on your spelling and pay attention to your studies and it wouldn't be so overwhelming.

  3. Talk to your mom about it, maybe u can go to a different private school. Go to to find schools in your area.

  4. i always have problems in the beginning of the year. i would suggest sticking it out for another 2 or 3 weeks, if you are still having problems, then i would suggest seeing a counselor. maybe talk to your school counselor about some of these things maybe there is something she can do for you.

  5. What you need is to talk to someone that can help you with your day to day life. You are in a stressful time in your life and having someone that you can talk to would REALLY help-

    Try talking to someone at school (teacher, principal, guidance counselor)

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you need to take a step back and just gather yourself and breathe.  RELAX, and good luck-

  6. It is okay to be nervous I was nevrous a whole moth from 4th to 10th

    but it all takes time and it may be good to talk to a consuler

  7. Talk to your mom.  Your mom can help you change schools or get past the things that bother you.  Is there a Public school you can enroll in?  I am going into eighth grade and i know how terrible school can be.  Have you always gone to this school?  Is there a school counselor you could talk to so that maybe your classes would change?  I hope this helps, and I really do know how school can be.

  8. Its not unusual to be in your state ... I would feel the same way when I was in middle school because I just felt so out of place and no one talked to me .. they would make fun of me for being different. (I was in a public school, I lived in a really nice place and most people from that school were from a bad side of town)

    I also missed my mom too and I would freak out that she would die or have a car accident while I was in school and I wouldn't be able to save her ... when Id see her pull her car up to pick me up from school I would breath and sometimes cry in relief ...

    The only way to get over what you are feeling is either getting a really good close friend who will listen to your problems and help you... or if you just put it in your mind that soon it will get better ... because it will get better ....

    Just think about it when you feel your at your lowest there is no where else to go but up ...

    Good luck ~ and you can email me if you want ... I may not be able to solve your problems but I dont mind reading rants ... :)

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