
OMG...I closed a door on my hamster,help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a critter trail cage, and i openedd the little top part,to pet him, when i was done, I went to close the door, he was in the middle of the part when it was almost closed, he ran and I don't know where he was caught, but he was squeeking and twisting around.I immedaily lifted the top, and he looked fine,he was grooming his, face , so i'm worried about his head.he is on my lap right now and is acting COMPLETALY normal. Do you think he is okay????Please help, I love my dwarf hamster sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... much!!!!!=(




  1. as long as he is acting normal you have nothing to worry about

  2. I think If he is acting just as the way he is..

    He's fine..

  3. He seems fine then. Just keep him content and he will be fine if he acts normal for the next few days.

  4. I love my hamster too sooo much, but if you see that he is completely un-injured, and normal, then I think he is totaly fine.

  5. same kinda thing happened to me exept i caught my syrian hamsters foot... i eas worried so i took him out and he limped(or it tooked like it) for about a minute... but then he was fine and that was about 2 months ago =) so dont worrie about it unless it looks like he is in pain

  6. I dont think you need to bring him to the vet. Do exactly what your doing. Petting him and playing with him and doing what you normally do. He probally was a little scared because he didnt see it coming. Every once and awhile check to see if hes alright. But if you think hes fine then your probally right.

  7. Then he's fine.just pet him. Try to find the hurt place by touching his face, if he squells, he's hurt. He'll probably mend hiself. He probable is fine. You're a good owner for caring for him. Just pet and cuddle him.

  8. I did kinda the same thing here I snapped the wheel on his hand he wasn't limping I took it out as soon as possible I petted him and gave a lot of love your doing the right thing here.P.S. he is also a dwarf.

  9. take him to the vet...NOW

  10. Okay, your hamster will be fine. Even though hamsters have frail little bones they have a very good pain threshold.  

    I remember when I went camping, I let my little cousin take care of my hamster, Elvis. They were putting him in little cars and throwing him down the stairs, letting him run loose in the house, My little cousin tried to drown him. If it wasn't for my aunt he would be dead by now.

  11. he's probolly fine but if he starts acting wierd after a few days u should call the vet. hope he's fine.

  12. Dont be too hard on yourself I have down the same thing on accident. My dwarf is so quick. I'm pretty sure from your description he is doing ok. Just keep a close eye on him.

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