
OMG Listen to this!!?

by  |  earlier

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My teacher just called us a bunch of g.ay m.otherf.ucking j.ews

What should I do?




  1. well on the news when that man called those girls "nappy headed hoes" should tell you enough about how serious this situation is!!! DEFINITELY tell the principal or anybody with high authority at the school!!!

  2. this sounds like a big fat lie. Common sense would tell you that you need to tell the headteacher if that was true. Go play else where

  3. tell the principle. maybe she'll leave for good

  4. Just now? How come you're on the computer?  If this is for real, then you need to speak to another teacher - calmly and in a mature fashion - not as a hysterical gaggle - that way you will be listened to and believed.  This kind of language is unacceptable from anyone, let alone a person in a position of responsibility with children.

  5. I highly doubt that but if she did, then you need to call your parents - pronto.  You should also go see your Principal.

  6. You should go to the principal and tell what happened. That teaccher will surely get fired, for she deserves it.

  7. finger your mum

  8. If this is true then you obviously need to get all the peers in your class to go straight to the principal and tell them. Why waste your time putting this up...???

  9. I'm sorry are we on  South Park?

  10. report her to the principle if hes a honest man, get her fired, get her a punishment she deserves
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