
OMG !!! Lost child .. What would u do ???

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Kaily is a 3 year old baby in the US who has been missing for a wile ! FBI beleiv that sh is dead :S!!! poor girl !!! What would you do if your kid was missing or if your friend's kid was ....?




  1. I don't think this is a reasonable question to post to a board full of pregnant mothers and parents. It's pretty obvious how a parent would feel and just thinking about it is pretty depressing.  

  2. this is one of my worst fears that one of my kids would go missing i don't no what i would do most prop fall apart

  3. I think you're talking about Caylee Anthony?  This has been all over the news and it looks like her mom probably killed her.

    If my kid were missing I would be out searching for her and getting everyone I knew organized and looking for her.  If it was a friends kid, I'd be doing the same.

  4. I would never give up hope and keep searching

  5. a newborn baby got dumped in Jamaica in the middle of Gustav the tropical storm!!

    that shocked me, a lady found the baby and took her in.

  6. I can't imagine what I would do. That is one of my biggest fears in life is someone taking one of my kids. It scares the he** out of me just to think about it.  

  7. The same as the Mccanns

  8. o god tough question.........i would make a phone call to the police and then look for the child myself. Sometimes you cannot totally rely on the help of police, as we found out from the Madeline Mcanne Story.i would also get people aware of the issue. I might also make a reward i the child was found.

    hopefully kidnapping stops soon because its a terrible sin.

  9. pray, & never give up, keep looking, & never ever move house in case they come back some day.

  10. I dont know. I dont even want to think about it bacause I start to feel all panicky when I do. It would be awful! I would never give up hope! I would cry every day! I would most probably end up in a mental institution! If I found out my child was dead, I would want to die too! I dont think I could manage to live my life without my children!

  11. make posters,raise awareness n never stop looking

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