
OMG!! Major friend troubles!!!?

by  |  earlier

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so I have this friend, Aurora, and this guinea pig, Quigley. So Quigley, or Squigle-Puff as he gets called, is the sweetest little piggy in the WHOLE world!! and Aurora, just HATES him, I have NO clue why! One day, she was saying hi to, Ellie, Tilly, BumBum, Rex, Lizzie, Jenny and Mark and i'm like, you forgot one and shes like 'oh hi skippy.' and im like no not me you loser..QUIGLEY' and shes like ugh i hate that disgusting rodent. and im like WHAT??!?!? and shes like 'ew that gross rat' and im like WHAT?!?!?!?! i just have no clue what to do!!




  1. I just think that she think its cute and she knows she cannot have it. And I think she may be a little upset that you got all these animals.

    P.S You answer was funny but I still think Jacob suffered more.

  2. hey ash, carmen and lulu are just friends nothing more and to ur infomation ash is 81 year old ,carmen is 92 and lulu is 83.. all are granny,s

    .. Hon why u always look at me with suspicion,, don,t u trust ur fianceee

  3. she does not think it is cute

  4. Please don't point fingers at me about "Acting childish" your the child. For the record, I don't hate my Grandmother I love her but her nasty attitude really gets annoying.

  5. tell her you got ride of him. but dont. then the next time she comes over put him in ur basement or something

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