
OMG My belly is SOOOO itchy!?

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I will be 38 weeks tomorrow, my belly is already red with stretch marks just around my belly button. But now...omg my lower belly well actually I might as well say the whole thing is SOOO friggin miserably itchy. I have used lotion, cream, everything and it itches SOOO bad. Its always been a teensy bit itchy from stretching so much BUT ever since today it itches miserably, it almost feels like a bunch of red ants bit me and you know how badly bug bites itch? It's killing me!




  1. I feel your pain. I was that way yesterday and im only 23 weeks. My baby has been doing some serious moving around in there and yesterday I literally felt like I could FEEL my skin stretching. I still do today but not as bad.

    And the itch! O. M. G. I have been scratching like crazy all over my stomach and I dont care if im public or not! lol  

  2. Oh you prro thing, the joys of being pregnant huh! Maybe try a warm bath and just let the water sit on your belly to get some relief. You might also try some aloe vera cream to soothe? Good luck hun and hang in there! :)

  3. Me, too - I am 36w 2d pregnant today with twins . . . saw my doctor this morning and the diagnosis is PUPPS.

    It stands for Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. Basically, the doctor told me it is caused by an excessive estrogen in the body from the placenta. The hormones are thought to cause a rash - a cross between hives, raised bumps, plaque like raised spots. They are common across the baby bump - especially over any stretch marks, they can spread to the breast area, thighs and even arms. Mine are currently isolated to my baby bump. Women that get them tend to get them most often in the 3rd trimester -they are also more common with boy pregnancies - might have something to do with the male fetal DNA . . . so be warned all that are expecting boys! It itches like MAD - itches and when you scratch it hurts - kind of burns!

    She also told me that although she could prescribe a steroid cream . . . that there is nothing that is really going to help all that much.  Stay moisturized, maybe an ice pack to cool the skin and benedryl.  

    If it is PUPPS, it will resolve itself after the baby is born.

    Hope this is not what you are going through . . .

  4. That's how I was from 24 weeks till I gave birth. The only thing you can do is keep your skin moisturized and not scratch. If you scratch even just a little bit it will just keep getting worse. You will have to keep very busy so you will keep your mind off of it as much as possible.

  5. Perhaps you should try a medicated itching cream like Goldbond. I had a of itching last pregnancy but I never made it past 34 weeks so it didn't get as bad as yours!

    There is also a rash that some women develop in pregnancy called PUPPS so you may want to consult your doctor and have him take a look at your belly.

    Check out this link about PUPPs

  6. Wow never heard of that

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