
OMG! Need help from guys + gals?

by Guest58158  |  earlier

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Hey I lost a lot of weight since summer began its a lot i think its good. almost 30 lbs im 14 and i just wanna be more fit an flat i am at a weight of 180 lbs and i want to be at 150. my height is am 5' 10 1/2" and just want an exercise routine that would flatted my ab area and thighs + calves with little hastle that takes 10-20 minutes withnoticeablee results...Who doesn't wanna be fit




  1. 10 regular pushups

    10 triangle pushups

    10 wide armed pushups

    10 regular pushups

    lay flat on the ground an without anny arm asistance lift your legs to 90 degrees then arch your back so your legs are parlel with every thing but your upper backhold for 5 seconds and do ten of these then do 15 crunches then do crunches but dont use your upper body just bring your knees to the chest 15 times

    then finish it all off with a nice jog

  2. okayy don't painic. (:

    i had the same problem.

    you can start out nice and slow with this routine like 5 times each and work your way up.

    The routine :

    regular crunches - at least half your back off the ground.

    side ab crunches (lay flat on the ground w/ your hands supporting your neck, then crunch up and bring that right elbow to the left knee and left elbow to right knee) - your side totally of the ground

    abc thighs (lay on your side with your head support by your hands, then bring your right leg over the other, then lift your left leg straight and off the ground then write your abc's using your leg as a pencils)

    ps...put on your fave music(:

  3. Wow. You're at a perfect pace already! keep up the good work watever your doing. If you want a flat belly i suggest dancing. It's the best workout there is and its fun.

  4. You're going the good way to losing weight. You're actually working out, instead of throwing up. Kudos to you. :] Well I'm actually not experienced with weight loss, but I do recommend that you speak with your doctor about how much weight you want to lose, etc.  

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