
OMG PLEASE HELP ME I'M SO SAD!!!!!!! pleeseee help i was used and feel like sh*t and please anyone help!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i was a counsler at this camp and this other counsler and i made out and felt each other up (no we did not hook up or anything) and he was so nice and really hot and all over me all the time and then before we left he didnt even hug me good bye and he hasnt call and idk if he used me or what i mean he told my friend on the phone he still liked me and all tht but he KINDA hesitated and id if i was used and my last bf just broke up w/ me and im so sad and any tips on how to get over heartbreak?? ok well anyone please help!! thanks!! :D:D:D:D:D:D




  1. his feelings probably just changed.

    who knows?

    but dont be heartbroken about it, you just gotta keep yourself occupied, go out with friends and have fun

    it gets your mind off almost everything, im going through a heartbreak right now and i just try and think about other things, go out with friends everynight, its hard...but its something almost everyone deals with

  2. Forget about him.  Your heart will mend with time.  I wish there was an easier way, but there isn't....time.

  3. he dont sound worth it.... just give it time.. time.... and time.

  4. ummm i hope you didnt sleep with him then you would feel bad like I have from night stands. but don't worry about it the right guy will come along it happens all the time you will make out with a guy and never talk to him again lol

  5. he was probably wasted. don't take it personal.

  6. It's called 'summer fling' for a reason hun.

    It's not that you were used, he was just interested for such a short time that he's not interested now.

    It happens, it's hormones and summer mixed together in one big orgy pot. Be careful around guys if you don't want to get hurt, be more selective.

    And to get over the heart break thing... Try going out with your friends and building on those relationships, they'll be there the next time around too. :P

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