
OMG Soooo Embarrasing!

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Ok for the first day of school our parents have to come in and talk to teachers and what not.

But my mom is sooo embarrasing I want to rip my hair out so now one would know it's me.

She dances to oldies in the grociry store she even tangos in the mall!!!

After the school thing there is a teacher/parent/stu dent picnic and she keeps saying Ohhh Im GOnna Talk To ALL of Your Friends 8D

How do I get through that day with out being embarrased




  1. I know how you feel my mom is the same way she is such a clown and always ends up shaking her butt to all of the new songs of don't worry, you'll friends will understand, just talk to them about it later and besides I garantee that some of your friends parents will be just as embarassing maybe even more and your friends will probably laugh about it later    

  2. Sarah The Dancer, sounds by your name here that you might take after your mom a bit if she enjoys dancing.  Jesus girl your mom sounds as if she is really enjoying life.  And like someone before me suggested all your buds probably think your mom is pretty cool and wish that their parents were more free and able to have fun like her.  Besides she is probably just ribbing you and trying to tease you about getting together with all your friends/teachers just to get you going.  And it seems like she has done a good job of it if you are on here worrying about it.  Be careful of how you speak about your mom as your habits will probably be very much like her when you grow up and are raising a daughter of your own, because people live what they learn and witness for themselves as they are growing up.  Cut the old girl (almost 50 for Christ sake) some slack.  Best of luck.

  3. just laugh with her,then you wont show your embaressment.And you might actually wind up having fun in the end!

  4. First be glad that you have a mom that is there for you and kids around, sounds like she just likes to have fun with you, but if it really bothers you just ignore when she does things like that and don't react to it and as soon as she sees that you don't react she will stop because it's no longer fun.

  5. Listen young lady, you are experiencing what many other teens go through, BUT the thing is, what is embarrassing to you isn't that serious. Try to understand that ALL parents were teenagers once, we all thought the same things you are thinking right now, and one day you are going to do the same thing to your children. Parents do not go out with the sole purpose of embarrassing you, we go because we Love you, we are involved in your education and we want the Best for you. Instead of thinking it will be the worst day of your life, make it the BEST day, be proud of the fact your mother cares enough to show up, proud that you have a mother who still likes to enjoy the things that made her happy as a teenager, and if you want to really do something special for the woman who loves you unconditionally then take her around, introduce her to your friends and at the end of the day give her a big hug and a Thank You for caring. One day you are going to be that mom attending your child's school, how would you like your child to react?

  6. You can't. Just rest assured that your friends all feel the same way about their parents. I think a mother who dances in the isles at the grocery store is pretty cool. And you will too when you grow up.  

  7. I think your mom loves you and just wants to be a part of your life, and getting to know your friends is one way for her to do that.  But on the other hand, dancing the tango at the mall, I would tell her if she continues to do that you will no longer walk next to her and will just meet up with her after you have done your shopping.  Explain to her that it is extremely embarrasing and is not funny to you.  If you say these things in a calm manner, she will respect your honesty and take you more seriously then if you roll your eyes and whine about it.

  8. tell her the truth...  

  9. I know how you feel, my dad sings and dances in front of my friends to get me embarrassed and i used to go as red as a tomato!

    But if you think about they are just having a laugh :)

    I doubt your mum would embarrass you in a mean way, just laugh along with her.

    Inside you are probably thinking that she can be a total nutter (My dad is >.> Lol) But she's just having fun.

    Just join in!  

  10. Get over it...your friends probably think she is cool...

  11. agree, get over thinking she's embarrassing. Just be glad she isn't one of those mom's that sits on the couch eating popcorn. And, saying they'd never attend those things with you. Besides, chances are, your friends parents are going to be there, she'll talk to them. RELAX!

    Hope this helps!

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