
OMG!! Will the Chinese eat anything???

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  1. Total sickos, how low can you get.

  2. would it make me homosexual if i eat it???

  3. Do you know what's in  your taco or hamburger?  Do you?

  4. The Chinese are really bad at animal cruelty and yes they will probably eat anything!

  5. One man's disgust is Another man's delicacy

    In France you can impress many and have  escargot  

    To me that's just yucky snails that are really expensive

  6. the chinese are barbaric and they disgust me. i'll stick to my vegetarian diet.

  7. Inconceivable!

  8. Yes, and they do,

  9. That is disgusting. End of.

  10. I just got the Murdoch cookie my avg has told me. that sun is a huge giver of cookies. I hope you know that and do a scan as I am going to do in a few minutes.

    The world has some strange eating habits, people even eat spinach for goodness sake. How could they do such a thing. I cannot as I am alergic to it and when I eat it I end up in bits.

  11. OMG!!  Will the British eat anything???

    Sausages made from blood!  (black pudding)

    The stomach of a cow!! (tripe)

    Baby cows that are kept in a tiny crate so they can't move and their muscles atrophy!! (veal)

  12. I just puked!!

    Thank you Daisy

  13. thy have taken dog off the menu for the Olympics,what more do you want lol

  14. Disgusting....

  15. When you're a Country the size of the United States, with 4 TIMES as many People living in it, and there isn't enough food to "go around" sometimes- You'd be SURPRISED what begins to look "tasty"- after awhile !!!  :0

  16. Probably.  I boarded an international student, a Chinese girl, for a few months, and I couldn't believe the stuff she ate.  Sickening.  She wouldn't eat anything except that which was bought at a Chinese market, so there was a lot of black, sticky rice wrapped in a leaf of some kind and duck eggs.

  17. The Chinese tuck into p***s and dog - and are shocked at the British eating ... offal, tripe, pig's trotters, tongue,  ox tail and pigs blood (black pudding) ... the Brits are horrified by the Greeks eating brains, and intestines .... who are in turn shocked by frog legs enjoyed by the French ...... and the list goes on and on!

  18. I can't believe it costs £200, I'm guessing it's not going to be very big!!

  19. It sickens me to think that mankind can kill at will...How on earth could anyone take a club to a seal and smash it to death?...I need air.....

  20. They certainly will..

  21. What difference does it make to you, what other countries like to eat? No one is forcing you to buy it!

    I am sure there are other countries that think some of the things we have on our menus are pretty disgusting too.

    I for one wouldn't go near black pudding, liver, hearts, tripe and all that stuff some Brits relish in eating! It's all a matter of taste! (Excuse the pun)

  22. How about some chocolate covered bees a favourite with the Japanese.

  23. almost everything.

  24. Sounds like someone I know from Essex. ;)

    But seriously if you are going to kill an innocent animal to eat does it not make sense to eat the whole thing? After all it sacrificed its life.

  25. Prob and why not

    I cant stand it when Westerners turn their noses up at other countries food habits. Take a look at yours. You will eat a chickens foetus, you will eat liver/Pork or duck guts mushed up into pate. you prob eat burgers and sausages which are made from all the left over **** from a carcass. What makes western people think that they have a monopoly on whats right and wrong If you dont want to eat it nobody is forcing you.

    Had to add this for helen s

    So its OK to eat a two week old baby pig but not a dog? what is the difference? If an animal is killed for fod it is killed for food? grow up

  26. Six years ago some friends of my in-laws went to visit China and at a special banquet were served what they thought was baby suckling pig - delicious! Not a lot of meat on the bones but delicious! It turned out to be Chihuahua dog, a great delicacy. Clifford got projectile vomitting and was ill for months just thinking about having eaten a dog - even today it can't be mentioned or it will set him off again.

  27. This is disgusting in anyones book, i mean don't seals get a bad deal enough with the morons who club them to death, as a cull, then you have the vileness of selling the p***s for eating, that is horrible.

    Many of these so called delicacies are eaten because they are considered aphrodisiacs, not because of some desperate need for food. To the poster who said you would eat anything if hungry, yes you would, but how many Chinese peasants do you know who can afford £200 for it, don't be simple.

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