
OMG first period since having my daughter?

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and i have been such a b*t*h for 2 days- i was never this bad before whats going on? my poor hubby cant even try and do the dishes without me snapping




  1. Aww.. I don't know who I feel more sorry for. You or him lol! It's probably just your hormones. It takes a while after you have a baby for them to go back normals, plus your period always messes them up. Just give it time, and breathe!

  2. My periods aft having my daughter have been different too.. i used to not even really notice, eg no pain no moods BUT NOW! i have horrid pains and i am a complete *****, and the week before i will cry at anything!!!

  3. poor hubby

  4. Your totally normal don't worry. My periods have never been the same since having children. They never used to bother me. Now I get mood swings something fierce, painful cramps in my abdomen and lower back and really awful headaches. If your not already on the pill, you should speak to your doctor! The pill can really help with all of the above and it will also keep your cycle regular! Best of luck, it's probably nearly over.

  5. My hormones took about 6 months to get back to normal after I had my baby!  I still get cramps worse now than I did before though.

  6. I cried a lot, but wasn't very grouchy.

    I also had terrible cramps and lots of bleeding.  

    REmember, you are probably still suffering from lack of sleep, so that'll add to your b*t*hiness.

  7. its normal it happens on the first period after a baby its painful too but its because your body goes back to normal all at once so that's the effect try to ease yourself before you answer him he might start snapping back lol ..

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