
OMG! i feel sooooo great right now! has anyone ese ever done this (rodent related)?

by  |  earlier

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OMG! today i was in the petstore and i noticed they hada hamster.... fast forward 5 m inutes of conversation.... i talked them out of buying cedar/pine chips!! i told them about the hazards and they should buy aspen ar a paper produc instead!! the bought CAREFRESH =] im soooo happy, this is like the 3rd time ive done this! =] anyone else ever done this? or something similar? howd it make u feel? =]




  1. omg are you serious? right now im so happy for you and yes i felt so happy when that happen to me

  2. wait...wat?

  3. BRAVO...Great thing to do for the animals. Cedar is toxic to life as we know it; hence the cedar chests for repelling moths. The small creatures that we keep for pets should not be exposed to cedar because of the oils and fumes; the smaller the animal the quicker the damage from those wood chips.

  4. Last week i went to the pet store with my friends. I saw a lady with a puppy and she was looking for collars. She was going to pick a collar that was made of a really tight rubber and it had a plastic tag. I convinced her into buying more safe material and it cost her $10 less than the other things. She gave me the $10 and was so happy with my help. I felt so AWESOME!!!

  5. dude i run a pet store i refuse to sell that cedar stuff  lol

  6. Are you like on crack or something? This doesn't even make sense. It looks like you wrote:

    a;slkejr;alkejr;slekrfwase;klrjwaseior... s/.kdtjl;awekrj;alwkejt  to me.

  7. The pet stores over here are really stubborn, as most are.

    Its great to make a change but sometimes you can't, the humane societies won't do jack or anything, I reported one pet store with guinea pigs that were bald in some places and losing a lot of fur and wheezing and I had mites, they walked into the store and said oh it looks fine to me, they don't know anything about animals, it angers me.

    You just have to make small changes one step at a time and you won't always be able to change everything.

    I plan to run my own pet store in a few years after I get the money and everything, until then I'll keep owning animals and know I'm caring for them the best I possibly can be and that they are living a happy life.

    I hate the really stubborn people that say they are doing it right and we don't know what we're talking about, like come on I'm 13 and I know more then half the employees in pet stores.

    They are only there for the pay check.

    I'm glad you changed a few pet stores so far though! We'll make changes small steps at a time, I wish I could stop all the animal abuse and have all the animals living in $500 cages but unfortunately I'm not rich and don't have the power to make that happen, oh well at least I know I care about animals and am doing everything the best I can be for them.

    I'm proud of you that you did that though, congratulations.

    I've never done something like that, I just don't buy off of them and do everything I can if I see animals being treated cruel.

  8. congratulations you deserve the key to the city helped a bunch of rodents wooooooooh

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