
OMG! i hate the new stupid wendys commercials who agrees

by  |  earlier

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u know with the annoying *** chick talking bout "if salid taste good, and chicken taste good, wouldn't a chciken salad taist... good good?"

so dam annoying, i feel like blowing my head off... I liked it when wendy was all mysterious and only winked at you... now we all know how dumb she is.




  1. I agree, it's pretty obnoxious. "Its not fast food...It's Wendy's!" That's  probably one of the most ridiculous sentences I've ever heard in my life. What idiot at the Wendy's Marketing Department thought of that inane ****?

  2. dude i know what you are talking about that little red head annoys me so much anyways burgers that arent in freezers dont sound very yummy. anyways the guys who work at the one near me are freaks!!

  3. ew and they're advertising nasty new frosty's..

    keep it simple&original (:

  4. I totally agree.  Everytime she says its awaaaaayyyyyy better it makes me cringe.

  5. well you remember it so you are more likely to go to wendys  

  6. omg i know!! it's so freakin retarded!! And I hate in EVERY commercial they're like, " it's better then fast food, it's wendy's." Wendy's is a freakin fast food restaurant!!!

  7. I agree with you and the others responses

    ha ha me and my mom were just discussing those commercials the other day

  8. 1st, the New Frosty's are SOOO GOOD (tho they r expensive!)...

    2nd...Wendy's is BETTER than (other kinds of) fast food...and THAT'S wat they meant by Wendy's...BETTER than fast food (DUH!)...and tho EVERY1 knos them 4 their hamburgers, their chicken is the BEST!!!  And the new chicken salads are GOOD, and seem like they're bottomless!!!  Delicious food, tho Wendy's IS kinda expensive, they're THE BEST!!  My daughter's a picky eater - she CAN'T STAND Burger King, but she LOVES the $1 menu chicken sandwiches at Wendy's & tho she doesn't hav much of an appetite, she can eat TWO of those sandwiches (no bread tho).

    (Now, that OTHER commercial, the 1 with the ice cream truck, THAT was kinda annoying!!  I Kept Thinkin there was an ice cream truck outside ALL THE TIME - EVEN when that commercial WASN'T playin I STILL KEPT hearin THE ICE CREAM TRUCK SONG!)

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