
OMG. i just read a question about a dog with one ball...?

by  |  earlier

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and...people answered that if the second ball doesn't drop he might have cancer. I didn't know that. My dog has one ball. Hes a chihuahua and will be turning two years old at the beginning of february. Will he be okay? or do we have to neuter him?




  1. monorchidism is the leading cause of testicular cancer, yes. and YES he needs to be neutered NOW! monorchidism is a genetic fault and these dogs should never be allowed to breed as it's highly hereditary and passes to male offspring more often than not.

  2. The t******e that doesn't come down doesn't guarantee that he has cancer, but in the future the liklihood of him developing cancer is far greater than a normal dog. He should be neutered. Neutering is anywhere from $80 - $500 depending on how much of a search the vet has to go on to find that t******e.

  3. Talk to your vet.  He would be able to examine the dog and recommend the best treatment.  In small breeds it's not as serious as in the larger breeds.

  4. Neutering will protect him from a lot of diseases, yes! There's no reason to NOT neuter him!

    Oh, and you answered on Q with using a site called dogbreedinfo.... This is a c**p site. I used to like it until I learned about all the Mutts that the lady calls "designer" breeds. She encourages mutts being bred with silly names, all for money! Dogs are not for making money by breeding!

    ADD-- Call your local shelters and see if they know of any discount spay/neuter clinics. Mine will do it for $55 but I filled out an app for a "free" fix that cost me a $15 "co-pay."

    Doing it NOW will save a lot of money! If he does get cancer, an emergency neuter will cost a lot more! My neighbor just paid $600 for her dog's emergency fix!

  5. You HAVE to have the dog neutered. Your dog has Cryptorchidism, and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have the beginning stages of a sertoli cell tumor.

    Chihuahuas are one of the most commonly affected breeds, and whomever bred him apparently didn't do enough research, or was unaware the father carried the gene.

  6. Yes, it is a defect. Yes, if it continues to be retained, then it can cause cancer.

    Yes your dog does need neutered to avoid further issues. If he were to ever breed, the retained t******e can cause serious damage to him.

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