
OMG! im freaking out! help!?! pleasseee answer?

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in a few minutes i am starting a new dance school

and i am sooo nervous!!

idk what to do!

there is no turning back

what if everyone hates me

what if i cant keep up

HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????




  1. dont worry about sure ull meet lots of new friends.

  2. dude.chill. not everyone will hate yew.the more nervous yew are, the more uptight yew get, the more people get wierded out by yew. just chill. do the best yew can. and have fun while ur at it. this is what yew want to do right? ok then! just enjoy it! and who cares what anyone thinks! youll get friends sooner or later. take my word on that.

  3. Its good to practice your moves at home, as well as flexibility.

    Ask questions during class, don't be afraid, I once took 20 minutes getting something right. It's better to work out problems when they occur.

    If you are really having problems, you can ask your studio if they have private lessons to help you.

    Dance isn't about people liking you, so I wouldn't worry if they don't like you, but if you stop stressing I'm sure they'll like you :).

  4. Relaz. I'm sure you'll be fine. I just started at a different studio last year, and I'm so glad I did.

  5. dont worry about it, Just have fun. And try your hardest to keep up!!

  6. relax. not everyone is going to hate you. you will find someone to hang out with while your in class. everything will be fine. in fact, some of my best friends are dancers and i ONLY see them in class. chill out you'll be fine

  7. ok it will be fine, start out doing your best dancing and aks one of the girl help with a part you"dont get"   and start to talk more and more

  8. Relax. Be yourself. If you love to dance, don't worry about what other people think of you. Pretend they aren't there.

    And chances are...not EVERYONE will hate you. Actually...odds are everyone will like you. Most schools like having new students. Sure...the students may try to look like they're showing off....but that's just how people are when they meet new people. You'll be fine.

    And keeping up...I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine.

  9. It's natural to be nervous, you'll definately make friends, but for the first week just concentrate on listening to the teacher, and DANCING! (Which should be fun so don't stress) Be friendly & don't be too critical of yourself if you don't get something.

  10. CHILAX!...i've been to 3 different dance schools and i'm fine!...just try your best and be yourself...ur gonna end up with lots of new friends

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