
OMG im scared to death will vaccines kill my son?

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My son gets vaccines in one month and some physco lady said he will be a SIDS baby and I shouldnt get him vaccinated!!!! WTF?!?!




  1. dont worry thats bull! my baby gets his when he is suppose to.

  2. Vaccination does not cause SIDS, things that attribute to SIDS are 2nd hand smoke, sleeping with baby if you have taken medication that makes you drowsy or are a smoker, putting too much blankets/teddy's around his face while he is sleeping.  The vaccines wont kill your baby, in fact most babies dont get more then a swollen leg and a bit of crankiness.  It will be fine.  Don't listen to stupid people like that.  Some people will always say rude things about other peoples babies.  When I was pregnant a lady came to me and told me that she new I would breech???  Right at the end of my pregnancy too, when I was still nervous about labor.  People are dumb.  The doctor should sit down and go over all the side effects and risks of having and not having the vaccine.  I wouldn't worry because 1000's of babies get vaccinated every day!  I have gotten my son 2 sets of shots already and he is fine!

  3. I'm sure that was very upsetting to hear.  People should be especially careful what they say to new mothers.

    However, if it gets you researching, it's a silver lining.  Many people, including myself, think that vaccines are a major factor in SIDS.

    My two children are not vaccinated at all. One is 5 years old, just started Kindergarten, and extremely healthy.  My other child is 15 months old.  Someone will inevitably say that kids need vaccines to go to school.  That's not true.  There are exemptions available.

  4. Ignore her, she was just trying to scare you.  Millions of people are vaccinated.  My 9 week old just had hers on Monday, she is doing great.  Had a little soreness at the injection site, but otherwise is fine.

    Good luck and relax.  Talk with your dr about any concerns you have.

  5. There is a lot of debate about the safety of vaccinations (though I've never heard of the SIDS risk - mainly you hear about the supposed Autism link). The best you can do is research it, talk to your doctor, and make your own decision.

    I personally have chosen to vaccinate, on schedule. I don't deny that there COULD be risks involved (as there is with anything in life, really) but I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Even if the Autism link were proven without a doubt to be true, I would still choose to vaccinate because if I have a choice, I would rather risk Autism than death for my child.

    I don't know anybody who has chosen not to vaccinate at all, but their are women who go that route. There are also "alternate" vaccination schedules, where the shots are pushed off by a certain amount of time or separated so that there aren't as many given at once.

    In ANY case - don't worry about what the lady said. You yourself stated that she was "some psycho lady". It is ridiculous and awful for anybody to say something like that to a mother. Especially when the information is inaccurate.

  6. my two children are 5 and almost 3 and they have received all their vaccinations up to date. they are still alive and have had no ill effects due to the vaccinations. I personally believe the benefits more than outweigh the risks. Talk to your pediatrican about any and all concerns about vaccinations and they will be able to squash all your fears. God bless!

  7. They don't know what causes SIDS, don't let her scare you out of protecting your child's health.

  8. People will do anything to scare others into their way of thinking (since they think vaccines are bad, they want to scare you away from them so you'll think like they do).

    Both the AAP & WHO recommend vaccinating children.

    Ignore the fearmongers.

  9. Some people believe that children should not get vaccinated until they are 2. However, my personal opinion is that the benefits out weigh the risks. The reason they say that is because I believe it is the Mercury in them that is suppose to be harmful, but you have to ask yourself can 10 million doctors around the world be wrong?

  10. Well I dont believe its right for someone to say that to you but I do believe that vaccines are a factor with sids.

  11. NO! Immunization protects our children against many serious diseases, which continue to occur in our communities, from which children are still suffering and dying unnecessarily.


    At the most your baby MAY suffer a slight fever and/or redness, swelling and tenderness at the injection site..

    This lady is full of BS!!

  12. i have 4 boys ages 6, 3, 2 and 8 weeks they are all up to date with theirs and they are the healthiest boys ever. flat out all day till bed time. if you are really worried about it talk to you doctor they wouldn't do anything to harm your baby. Good luck and think positive.

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