
OMG is this true? Obama calls a baby a "punishment"?

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I'm horrified!

OK I'm from Wales, UK and I like Obama (well I prefer him to McCain anyway) but this just really revolted me!

How can you call a baby a "punishment"? There are couples who have struggled with infertility for many years who would consider a child to be a complete miracle and a blessing.

No human being should ever be called a punishment.

I feel I'm going to have to change my views on Obama after this . . .




  1. yes it is true.

    Obama said he did not want his daughter punished if she had an unwanted pregnancy.

    he is an idiot.

    He is also for partial birth abortions in the third trimester.

    I wish we could kill murderers the same way that democrats like OBAMA let people kill their babies.

  2. i just went to and saw what you where talking about and just think people want him for are president he is nothing but a big **** joke iam changing my views on this man to every body should having a baby is no accident having unprotected s*x has baby's all ways you dont wear a condom poof your having a baby it has never ever been accident having babie's ever get it straight when you say it at all ever

  3. I don't really like this guy...

    But i believe that he was referring to a young unwanted pregnancy being the punishment, not the baby itself.

    I understand what you mean with the whole infertility, and human no punishment thing, for i agree but i seriously don't think he meant it the way that many people took it.

    'If they make a mistake i don't want them punished with a baby; i don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16!'

    With what he said about STD's at the age of 16 afterwards, it leads me to think that he also meant pregnancy around that age.

    Can you imagine how easily it could be classed as a punishment to the mother if she had a baby in her early teens? Very easily. Because it would be so hard.

    Hope it didn't change your views on him too much.

  4. he was not meaning the baby it self is a punishment. it was being a pregnant teenager is a 'punishment ' for not being taught right from wrong..

  5. I think he's referring to the Republican party's stance of teaching abstinence only rather than actual s*x education in public schools, or perhaps he's referring to the Bush administration's recent proclamation that contraception is equivalent to abortion.

    He's not saying children are punishment, he's saying if we deny kids proper s*x education, then they're inevitably going to make mistakes and be forced to live with the consequences, be they STDs or an unwanted pregnancy.

  6. Obama is just as brainwashed as the rest of them. America is going doooowwwn.

  7. He is an idiot

    in no way is it a punishment to have a child it may be a accident that someone got pregnant but its not the punishment it is the result of a mistake

    a baby even to a teen couple is never a punishment it is a miracle anyway you look at it and anyone saying or believing its a punishment is just plain stupid

  8. Well than obviously you have differing views on abortion, and hence this question will devolve into another debate of the morality of it.

    He means that if two young teens who are not ready for a family somehow get pregnant, which does happen regularly, then yes, that baby really is a punishment.

    I've seen kids from my school have their whole lives quite literally torn apart by getting pregnant at a young age. They drop out of college or never apply, and cut short their education prematurely to raise a child. If the guy stays with her, he now has to provide for both of them, meaning he too will cut short his education to find a job, and thus forever more that couple is likely trapped for the rest of their lives, missing out on potential or their ideal lives because of a child that they weren't ready to have.

    Even if they put it out for adoption, it's a punishing emotional experience.

    There's nothing sick about what he said when you put it into context.

  9. People AREN'T listening to what he is saying...cause if they did he would not be ahead of McCain..

    This just shows his young inexperienced age.

    We don't have much to chose from this year, but then every election is scary with who are candidates are!!

  10. What do you expect? The left don't consider life that important. That is the kind of attitude as to why they are pro-abortion.

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