
OMG my friend has diabetes..and maybe bulimia plz help...=[?

by  |  earlier

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ok my friend just called me and told me that her friend[ my friend too] diana was at the hospital and has diabetes. um im not really good friends with her, but my friend is, so she told her and she told me b/c me and her are really good friends. ok, so dianas like bff have been really worried about her because they think shes bulimic, because school started a couple weeks ago, and she came back really skinny and boney! and last year she was always talkin about how she was soo fat, when she wasnt! so they told her- diana ur way to skinny! u need to eat more, so at lunch she always eats everything and tells that shes been eating a lot at home too, but shes still really skinny, and a couple times they said that she smelled like throw up.

so could her having diabetes like have been caused if she has bulimia? or do u think she bulimic? and could u give me some good website about this kind of stuff. because im really worried u guys.

shes 13 if it matters





  1. Maybe she is actually not diabetic and was in the hospital for problems from the bulimia problem.  My thought is that maybe Diana told her she was in the hospital for diabetes because she didn't want to tell her the truth of why she was there.  I don't know for sure but sounds iffy.  Also maybe she is really sick, like has a cancer or something that is making her sick and making her lose should just ask her flat out one day in private. WITH COMPASSION.

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